2013 is all but gone and this is a time when many folks like to take a look back at all of the events that happened throughout the year --- I guess you could call it the year in review. I’m more of a “look ahead kinda guy.” Don’t get me wrong, I like to reminisce about old time. But one has to be careful not to get drawn into that dangerous vortex of “should-a, could-a, would-a” moments.
With 2014 just ahead, this is also the time when experts around the world will give you their advice on how to make this coming year the best year everrrr! Get ready for the bombardment of weight-loss, get-in-shape, set-your-goals, reach-for-the-top and the-time-is-now New Year’s resolution suggestions.
What kind of writer would I be if I did not add my 2-cents worth? So here goes, my top-five suggestions (including clichés) for living life:
Stay close to God. I’m sure you’re saying “that’s a no-brainer, Rich.” But trust me, in a world that is constantly grabbing our attention for all the wrong reasons, we need to now — more than ever — keep God in the midst of everything we say and do. That’s a whole lot easier said than done. I have discovered over time that the fruit of the spirit (love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control) has helped me straighten out my path more times than I want to admit. And I still walk crooked from time to time, but I’m working at it.
Move. The body was built to move. You know the old adage, “Use it or lose it?” Staying well through movement (notice I did not say exercise) is as vital as the air we breathe. Make sure you incorporate some physically challenging moments (start with 20 minutes and work your way up) into your daily lifestyle. It should be something you don’t want to miss — just like a meal. When we think of mealtime we think of being together as a family. Consider a family-fitness approach to better health. I’ve always said, “The family that sweats together sticks together.”
Discover your purpose. Without a purpose in life we have little hope and self-worth. I see many folks as they age lose their sense of purpose. They retire and can’t do the things they once did — and all of a sudden life appears to be over. Not so fast my friend. When life starts to change, that is the signal to rediscover your purpose. Each one of us is too unique to be limited to what we can offer this world. “If you have a pulse, you have a purpose.”
Reach out to someone every day. Don’t let a day go by that you haven’t helped someone lighten his load. The best medicine for feeling like the world is against you is to reach out to others in kindness and love. Zig Ziglar says, “Life is like an echo, whatever you send out will come back.”
Clear your mind. Spend some waking time alone and in silence if for no other reason just to get away from all the noise we hear each day. You know the proverbial saying, “Silence is golden?” And although the connotation today refers more to keeping silent versus saying something stupid. I like the 1382 Wycliffe’s Bible assertion that: “Silence is maad in heuen” (made in heaven).
DeLong is the executive director of The Suites at Station Exchange. You can contact him at 912-531-7867 or by email Suites.StationExchange@gmail.com.
Two-cents worth of advice for 2014
Senior moments
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