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No need to travel to find Jesus
pastor corner

I just flew in from a trip to Egypt, Jordan and Israel. This was a trip I had planned to go on for several years now and finally just said, “We are going to do it.”

It was a trip worth taking and I would recommend others go on such a trip.

I believe I felt the trip would make the Bible come alive and that I would draw closer to God and appreciate more what Jesus did for me. Somehow I had in my mind that the signal, if you would excuse that term, would be clearer, have more bars and no dropped calls, etc.

Even though I knew that Jesus was not still walking the streets, preaching, teaching and healing in physical form, I still thought in my mind that I could sense that I was closer to him in proximity.

When I arrived, I was not disappointed in what I saw. It was kind of neat to be in the part of the world where so much of the scripture actually happened. What did not happen was me feeling like I was any closer to God for being there.

I do know that we are not all the same in our feelings. There was a scriptural verse that came to me when I visited the tomb that they believe Jesus was buried in, which says, “He is not here; he has risen from the dead, just as he said would happen.”

It reminded me that while a trip to Israel is great, I don’t have to go there to get close to Jesus. He is as close to me as I desire him to be within my heart.

I watched so many people from all around the world, even try to crawl into places which were off limits so that they could touch or kiss an object connected to Jesus or his life.

I talked to those who went on this trip who felt that they somehow could make their spiritual life complete by being there.

I don’t want to sound like the trip is not worth taking, because it is. But don’t go with the idea that it is only there that you can find Jesus.

If you haven’t found him or you desire to get closer to him, he is as close as the whisper of your voice and the yearning of your heart.

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