In my personal reading, I am going through the book of Jeremiah, who was a major prophet of the Old Testament. One of the common themes throughout this book is concerning the messages from false prophets.
These prophets or messengers were telling the children of Israel that God was going to bless them and deliver them from their oppressors in spite of their actions or behaviors.
These Israelites were worshiping false idols and were ignoring the commands of God. Jeremiah, a true prophet of God, was telling them that they would be recipients of God’s punishment not his blessing By the way, Jeremiah was right. He also gave them hope if they would turn from their sins and do what was right.
Things have not changed in the society we live in, for there are prophets or preachers who are speaking somewhat the same message. The content of what they say suggests that there is a God who will always bless us with wonderful things and will bless our country in spite of how we live.
Like Jeremiah’s message, we must teach that in order to receive the favor of God we must turn from our sins and seek to live according to the commandments of God.
Yes, God does desire to bestow upon us good things but there is a general principle that he is faithful, which says, “Whatever a man sows, he shall also reap.”
If we choose to surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, God’s gift to us, then we will choose to follow in his footsteps of obedience and we can live a blessed life. But if we choose to be disobedient and reject this gift, we will suffer the consequences.
The great news is that the invitation to be transformed is given to all of us.