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Vote for candidates with character
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Dear Editor: As the fall temperatures drop, the political signs go up! If you are like me, you have noticed the abundance of campaign signs along Hwy. 144, but for some reason there seems to be plenty of candidates for District 4 wanting your vote to obtain the coveted position of County Commissioner. Our county commissioner’s purpose is to represent the citizens of Bryan County by identifying and clarifying the needs of its people and of the county itself, and ensuring that the needs are addressed and served. The individual that is elected represents the voice of each individual Bryan County resident, brining to light all aspects of an issue rather than a biased or distorted point of view because of business ties or loyalties.
I personally am not a political guru, however being that this is a local election, all the candidates are local people known in the community. The best way that I can surmise the person to vote for is by the old fashion way, and looking at character. Character is an assessment of an individual’s moral qualities. When a person is a moral character, it is primarily referring to the assemblage of qualities such as; integrity, courage, fortitude, honesty and loyalty, or of good behaviors or habits that differentiate one individual from another. I know of only one candidate that has the character to represent myself and my family for District 4, and that is Carter Infinger.
Carter Infinger has no business ties, loyalties, or obligations in Bryan County; rather he is a long time resident, along with his wife Karen and their two daughters. Carter is rearing his daughters in this community; both attending the Richmond Hill schools and participating in the county’s recreation programs. Carter, like many of us residents, commutes to work along the same Bryan County roads, shops at the same local grocery stores, and fishes the coastal waters of our county as you and I. Carter is a family man, and his goal is to do for Bryan County as he would for his own family. Carter and Karen’s family decisions are not made hastily without care, but with consultation and consideration, as he would with any issue, project, or legislation as the County Commissioner for District 4. I personally want someone who can reflect without partiality all probable scenarios when making a decision or voting for change in our county.
A big elaborate sign, with well written catch phrases only hides the emptiness of that candidate’s character. It is not about who has the biggest sign or even the most signs, rather the character that stands behind that sign. Carter Infinger represents me, and I am just a citizen, resident, and tax payer of Bryan County who wants a voice when it comes to decisions that affect my reality in this county I call home.

April Garrett
Richmond Hill
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