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Letter to the editor: Reader responds to previous letters

Dear Editor:

I felt compelled to respond to the two letters printed in the 8/22/24 issue of the Bryan County News, spewing the usual tired tropes of the leftist agenda, “censorship” and “overpopulation”. 

In Ms. Hewitt’s letter, she expressed her disappointment that the library took down a homosexual Pride display and called this “censorship”. The more immediate question is, why does Ms. Hewitt think it is acceptable to highlight in a display FOR CHILDREN books of a sexual nature? Why must all of society kowtow to and “celebrate” sexual deviancy?

The books on the display (FOR CHILDREN) were celebratory of homosexual marriage, drag queens cavorting with toddlers, disparaging of anyone with a different viewpoint, and descriptively graphic. One of the books was a primer for homosexual students, with graphic and explicit information on how to have anal sex “safely”—because that’s what I want my child to learn about at the library. All the books showed homosexuality, adult predation, same-sex marriage, “gender-affirming care” (sic) and pornography in a positive light. The display itself was specifically designed to be “sparkly” and colorful to be attractive to children. When many in the community were distressed by this display, a simple request was made to remove it. No one asked for the books to be banned, or thrown away, or anything of that nature. People asked for the books to be returned to the shelves. That is all.

Ms. Hewitt is welcome to get all the books on sexual deviancy she wants for her own children. But most parents do not want their children exposed to the lies and unreality (that males can become females and vice versa) that is part of the LGBTQ+ nonsense movement when they come to get summer reading for their kids. It is bad enough that ALL this material is readily available in every Bryan County school library, whether as a hard copy on online. Many of the books are so obscene that if I handed them to a child, I could be charged with a felony for sexual predation. Yet our school and public libraries can dispense them at will. Just as our schools are prohibited from showing X-rated films in school, so should obscene books not even be available, much less promoted to children. Yet some of these were on the library display.

There is no censorship here; it is simply using our intellect to determine what is age appropriate and what isn’t. This is not a hard thing to understand; for instance, people don’t take 4-yearolds to R-rated movies. Likewise, they should not be exposed to sexual material as children. More importantly, it is up to each parent to decide for their children. Only they have the authority. Our government should not be forcing one agenda over another on our children. Asking for neutral behavior on the part of our public library is not censorship. The removal of the he display was merely a request to honor the values of our community and protect our children from stolen innocence.

With regards to Lee-Patterson’s letter, she promotes the usual pandering on “reproductive rights” and supports the lie of overpopulation. Is she not aware that birth rates are imploding across the globe? In 2022, the US fertility rate is down to 1.67. To simply maintain our population, there must be at least a 2.1 Total Fertility Rate (TFR).

According to the CDC, “From 2014 to 2020, the rate consistently decreased by 2% annually.” (April 24, 2024 report). The latest numbers from 2023 show the same rate of decrease.

Our society cannot continue, much less thrive, without new children. So, no, overpopulation is not an issue. It is a lie promoted by global elitists. Rather than welcome new life, Lee-Patterson prefers to promote the leftist death cult of abortion all nine months under the guise of “reproductive freedom”.

Rather than hear any truths, she won’t acknowledge the fact that we are killing our own children through unrestricted abortion, and then mutilating them through so-called “gender-affirming care”. Lastly, if she is so worried about inflation, which we all are, speak to the people in charge of it, the Biden-Harris Administration. Lee-Patterson said her return to GA was a “difficult decision” due to the horrors of conservatism. No one asked her to come here with her leftist agenda. She can feel free to skedaddle on back to the Northeast where her leftist lies are appreciated. They certainly aren’t wanted here.

Betsy DeBry, Richmond Hill, Georgia

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