Dr. Lawrence Butler
The Bridge Church, Pembroke
There it was. Constantly staring me in the face. Laughing at me, sneering at me, come on over, buddy. Too afraid to even try?
No, not too afraid to try, just waiting for all the bigger, older guys to finish and leave. The call was imposing to an eight-year hanging out with older boys. The fence was only 4 feet high, but the cyclone fence had all those wire ends twisted together and protruding into the walking area. You see, the challenge was to walk the top rail of the fence all the way to the end and back. The fall would only be a few feet, but the real challenge was to keep up with the guys. It could be as daunting as walking a tight rope twenty feet in the air. Great balance was needed.
So it is with life. Great balance is needed to be successful in your life’s journey. People today struggle with job stress, family responsibilities, finances and a long list of issues. It is essential that planning take place, but how do you plan for your son to get arrested for drug possession or intent to sell? How do you plan for your teenage daughter’s pregnancy?
Now for the past few months the relationship with your spouse has deteriorated and you lie awake at night wondering how things could have gone so wrong. You need help. You just don’t know where to find it, who to turn to, or what the answers are that you cry for so desperately.
Into these lonely, dark places of life comes one who cares. Words from the blessed old book that belonged to Mom, or maybe Grandma, come to your mind. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). The words of our Savior, Jesus Christ, have encouraged and rescued many during the past approximately 2,000 years. Religion? you may say. I’ve tried that and it didn’t work. Try it again. There is One who loves you and really cares. You’ll find other Christians who will share their stories and you will realize your challenges are the same many people have.
They have faced them and with the help of the Bible and faith in Jesus Christ, they made it through. Read the book again, try prayer again, and see what happens.
Alone and falling off the fence, I kept trying. Over time I managed to learn how to maintain my balance. Soon I was walking the fence to the end and back. It may have taken me a little longer, but I overcame the challenge! So can you.