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Have You Seen This? Best athletic shoe review
Brad Hall has made a series of unboxing videos reviewing various Air Jordan shoes from Nike, and they are truly delightful. Of course, he is good-naturedly mocking other unboxing videos, which is why the videos are so great. - photo by Martha Ostergar
NIKE NATION YouTube is a dark and mysterious place full of unusual interests and passions.

In your Internet travels, you may or may not have run into a group of YouTube users who produce unboxing videos. The purpose of these videos is simply for users to film themselves as they remove a new item from its packaging, reviewing the user experience for each step of the process. This may or may not include an actual review of the product at the end.

It truly doesnt matter what type of product it is. You can find videos for the unboxing of all manner of electronics, makeup, clothing and probably much, much more.

Now, I will never look down on someone for enjoying every aspect of the user experience. I revel in the look and feel of material items, and those aspects often influence my purchases. Heck, I will even talk about food flavor profiles and experiences for hours if that were socially acceptable in general company.

All that being said, I could never wrap my head around the value of making two-minute to 20-minute videos describing an unboxing process until today.

Brad Hall has made a series of unboxing videos reviewing various Air Jordan shoes from Nike, and they are truly delightful. Of course, he is good-naturedly mocking other unboxing videos, which is why the videos are so great.

Hes deadpan, awkward and entirely perfect. I wont spoil his antics by laying them all out here, youll just have to watch the two-minute video of Hall unboxing his Retro Legend Blue Air Jordans.

Hall also reviews Retro Hi Lasers and Retro Oreos, which are equally great.
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