For the first time in 21 years, it snowed in Bryan County.
North Bryan reportedly got about an inch Friday night, with slightly less on the south end. It only lasted for a few hours – from about 8 p.m. to midnight – but it accumulated enough to give young and old alike a rare winter wonderland to play in.
"Everybody I talked to, from adults to kids, got out and played in it," Pembroke Police Chief Mark Crowe said.
Reports of snowball fights and snowman-making were common across the Coastal Empire during that brief window of time.
"We were at the (Black Creek) gym when it started, and we immediately started a snowball fight," Pembroke resident Jennifer Baxter said.
"It was snowing pretty heavy as we drove from Ellabell to Pembroke and it was really thick at the house. We rolled a huge snowman and just had a blast," she said. "Our dog even had a good time, although he seemed a bit confused when he caught a snowball with his mouth."
See more on this story in Wednesday's paper.