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Leaders urge for more troops at Fort Stewart
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In an official letter, U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., and Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., and Congressman Jack Kingston, R-Ga., urged Army Secretary John McHugh to station additional troops at Fort Stewart.

The senators and congressman asked McHugh to consider sending Fort Stewart a Heavy Brigade Combat Team, which has been slated by the Defense Department to leave Germany and return to the U.S. in 2015.

The three lawmakers said Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield has been “transformed” into a “premier power projection and training platform along the East Coast.”

“From the perspective of military value – in addition to having the longest runway on the East Coast, Fort Stewart’s strategic location in southeast Georgia makes it easily accessible by road, rail and sea,” according to the letter. “Movement to ports takes place in hours vice days and weeks.”

Chambliss, Isakson and Kingston extolled Fort Stewart/Hunter Army Airfield, describing the post as the “largest military installation east of the Mississippi River,” adding military training is highly efficient due to its “digital multipurpose range training complex.”

“Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Air Field also have no significant environmental impact or encroachment issues. All environmental impact statements were completed and validated in anticipation of the 46th BCT’s projected assignment to Fort Stewart,” the letter stated.

Lawmakers also said the installation has the infrastructure necessary to welcome another brigade, noting the installation won the Army’s Community of Excellence award four times in the past six years.

For more, pick up a copy of the April 13 edition of the News.

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