The Richmond Hill City Council voted Tuesday night to purchase three new vehicles for nearly $100,000, including $35,000 for a new patrol vehicle for the police department to replace one damaged in an accident last month.
An RHPD vehicle was damaged June 18 when it was side-swiped by a semi-truck on I-95 near mile marker 86 while an officer was making a traffic stop on another vehicle.
“Fortunately no one was seriously hurt, but the vehicle was totaled,” Police Chief Billy Reynolds told the council. “Besides that, it had well over 100,000 miles on it.”
The second vehicle, a Ford F-150 at a cost of about $39,600, will replace a 2008 Chevy Tahoe currently driven by the fire marshal. The current vehicle has more than 137,350 miles on it.
“The air conditioning doesn’t work and it starts when it wants to,” Fire Chief Ralph Catlett said.
The third vehicle, also a Ford F-150 for $25,000, will be used by the building inspector.
In other business, city council finalized plans to repave Rice Gate Drive ($60,000) and Pinecrest Street ($40,000).
Mayor Harold Fowler also swore in new firefighter Blandon Johnson.