Monday marks the final week of early voting in Bryan County, and voters have until 5 p.m. Friday to cast their ballots before Election Day for the countywide and municipal elections.
Early voting is from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday: voters for the countywide special purpose local option sales tax can go to the Voter Registration Office at the courthouse in Pembroke or the County Administrative Complex in Richmond Hill; in Pembroke, voters must go to City Hall, and in Richmond Hill voters should go to the John W. Stevens Wetlands Education Center in J.F. Gregory Park.
Chief Registrar Warren Miller said early voting has been on the light side in the county special purpose local option sales tax election as well as municipal elections. However, he said the last week of early voting usually brings more people to the polls.
So far, more than 160 people have voted in the county election with the majority of votes being cast in Richmond Hill. More than 45 people have voted already in the Pembroke election, while about 150 people have voted in Richmond Hill’s election.
Read more in the Oct. 29 edition of the News.
One week left to cast early ballots
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