Enviroworx Operations Management will begin spraying for mosquitoes in the city of Richmond Hill today.
The following areas/subdivisions will be sprayed beginning at 5 p.m. today: City Yard, Mulberry, Goodwill, Richmond Place, Blueberry, Camelia Street, Rosemont Street, Carter Street, Burford Cook, Rushing Street, Forest Street, Ralph Brown Drive, Clark Street, Edsel, City Hall, Frances Meeks, Richmond Heights, Parkside, Bottoms, Melrose, Richmond Hill Plantation, Fire Station, Turtle Hill, Magnolia Manor, Port Drive, Sterling Woods and Publix.
The following areas/subdivisions will be sprayed beginning at 5 p.m. on Wednesday: Sommers Boulevard, Pig-a-Dilly Plaza, White Oak, Live Oak, Piecerfield Forest, Plantation Apartments, Teal Lake, Sterling Creek, Cypress Point, Creekside, Brisbon Hall, Ashton Apartments, Mainstreet, Ponderosa, KOA.
Contact EOM at (912) 445-0050 with any questions.