A “Reach Customers Online with Google” presentation will be held from 8:30-11 a.m. Jan. 23 at Bubba’s Bistro in Richmond Hill for business owners who want to better understand how to use Google to boost customer reach.
The presentation is hosted by the Richmond Hill-Bryan County Chamber of Commerce, along with the UGA Small Business Development Center in Savannah and the UGA SBDC at Georgia Southern University, a public service and outreach unit of the University of Georgia.
Research shows that more than 90 percent of customers are looking for specific information about businesses when using search engines – like business hours, promotions or deals, even available appointments.
What does Google know about your business? Get instant verification of your Google Business Page during the workshop.
Key elements of the session include:
• Reaching local customers with Google My Business
• Reaching everyone on all devices
• Reaching customers with online advertising
Cost for the program is $29 for Richmond Hill-Bryan County Chamber members and $49 for non-members. A continental breakfast is included.
Call 912-756-3444 for membership information and discount code. To register visit: www.georgiasbdc.org/reach-customers-online.
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact Liz Overstreet, 513 E. Liberty St., Ste. M, Savannah, GA 31401, 912-651-3200.
For more information please call 912-651-3200 or e-mail loverstreet@georgiasbdc.org.