From Bryan County Sheriff’s Office reports:
Matter of record: Deputies were sent to an Ellabell address around 10 a.m. March 4 where a woman said when she got up the night before to go the bathroom “and noticed something on the wall, she thought it might be a bug. Upon further investigation by (her), it was actually a bullet hole. (She) then located another hole that had entered her closet that was located on the opposite side of the role.
The woman told deputies she didn’t call right away “because she became scared and just wanted to leave.”
Deputies checked and saw the bullet had been fired from outside the house. They then found what might’ve been a .22 caliber bullet in the house.
Fight: A deputy was sent to the Ellabell Dollar General around 10:30 a.m. March 3 to handle a fight in progress between two women “fighting inside the store,” a report said.
When he got there, the deputy saw a woman “exiting the store attempting to remove her shirt and take a bladed fighting stance,” his report said. “I also observed a large crowd exiting the store, in the middle of the crowd (a second woman) was screaming (at the first woman), also attempting to take a bladed fighting stance.” The deputy said he told both women to “separate and both parties complied.”
He then talked to them, and the second woman said the first woman had been “threatening her over social media for several months. (She) stated that (the first woman) had confronted her at the Zip-in convenience store, then followed her to the Dollar General, at which point (the first woman) ‘jumped on her.’” The manager showed the deputy video which saw the two women tussle inside the store before they were separated and went outside.
Both were arrested.
Shoplifting: A Dollar General manager in Ellabell reported March 3 “an unknown white male came into the store and tore open a box of Loreal Feria hair dye and took this item without paying for it. The suspect also ripped open a scented Yankee Candle valued at $5 however he did not take this item.”
The complainant followed the man outside and got his tag number, and it came back registered to an Ellabell man.
Suspended license: A deputy was on patrol shortly before 2 p.m. Feb. 27 on Highway 17 when he spotted a car make an illegal turn and then “make a series of lane changes between other motorists without using its turn signal. At one point, (the deputy) observed the vehicle straddling both lanes of travel, for a few seconds, prior to committing to either the left or right lane.”
A traffic stop ensued. The driver, a Savannah woman, “apologized for her driving and stated ‘I drive like I’m still in New York.’” What’s more, both the car and the woman had suspended licenses.