From Bryan County Sheriff's Office reports:
Damage to
property: What goes up must come down. In this case, it came down on an
Ellabell man’s truck. He reported Jan. 1 that “during the night, several of the
neighbors in the area were shooting guns in the air to celebrate the new year.
When (he) went to his truck today, he noted that the hood had a dime sized
crater on it. It appeared as if one of the bullets fired during the night
struck the hood of the truck.”
The man was given a case number.
Damage to property part 2: A Brooklet man who runs a tow truck service reported Jan. 2 he got a call around 1 a.m. to repo a car in Pembroke and take it to Bloomingdale, where he would be paid. The man said he found the 2011 Ford on the side of the road at the address, hooked it up and towed it to Bloomingdale, but no one there knew what he was talking about. “(He) states that he made several attempts to contact the phone number back and the person would answer but not speak.”
So, the man decided to take the car back from where he got it in Pembroke, but while on the way the car’s passenger side tire blew out, “damaging the rear quarter panel and immediate area around the rear fender and passenger door.”
The man said he needed a report of the damages and he and an officer were going to try to talk to the woman who owned the car.
Firearm possession by felon: Deputies were sent Dec. 29 to a Wade Carter Road address because a man was threatening people with a gun. Several witnesses there told deputies the man and another man were arguing and waking everyone up, so they told them to take it outside.
“A verbal dispute followed and the details of the dispute were unclear but all the complainants were clear in that (one of the men) was in possession of a handgun.”
One of the men also said the man with the gun was “out of control, sealing and committing robberies.”
Deputies decided there was enough “probable cause,” to arrest the man who had the gun, but he wasn’t there, so they planned on taking out a warrant.
On the way out, however, the man waved them down and “it was immediately evident that he was under the influence of some type of narcotic.”
He also claimed it was another person his family was complaining about. He was arrested, etc. However, one of the charges was dropped after deputies determined that the other man involved in the argument was the one who “had actually pointed the gun at the complainants.”
Warrant: While on a Dec. 29 “routine patrol” of Bill Futch Road, a deputy saw a green SUV “cross the center line on the roadway and veer into (the deputy’s) lane of travel.”
When the deputy turned around to pull the SUV’s driver over, the driver “pulled over on the shoulder of the roadway,” the report said, and “apologized for his erratic behavior, stating that the passenger in the vehicle was sick and throwing up.”
The deputy
confirmed the kid in the car was sick. He also had dispatch check the driver’s
license, and “was advised … that the offender was wanted out of Chatham County
for a probation violation.”
The deputy had the man drive back to his home, where he was eventually arrested
and taken to Bryan County Jail to be picked up by Chatham County officials.
There was no further word on the kid in the report.
Criminal trespass: A resident of the gated Palm Bay subdivision in South Bryan reported Dec. 29 that “someone spray painted the privacy fence with the phrase, ‘I want to kill you,’ ‘RIP.’”
The deputy was shown the “spray painted phrase.” The woman said she believed it was a juvenile she knew, and that she’d texted the kid’s mother, but she wasn’t sure “It was the same juvenile that she originally believed committed the offense.”
The woman wanted the incident reported and was given a case number.
Burned vehicle: A deputy was sent Dec. 30 to Holton Road regarding a suspicious vehicle. The complainant reported he was driving dirt roads and stumbled “across a burned out vehicle husk.”
The deputy found what was left of a Chevrolet “completely burned out.”
The deputy noted the rims and tires had been taken and the vehicle was “propped up on an old rim and a wooden block.”
The deputy couldn’t find VIN or license plate “or any other means of identifying who the vehicle belonged to.” It was towed.
Damage to property: A deputy was called Dec. 29 to an Ellabell address regarding “a dispute between sisters.”
Once there, he was told by the complainant she was in the process of moving and
when she got to the home found “that the bulk of her belongings had been thrown
out in the yard and exposed to the elements.”
Among the items exposed to the elements were clothing, household appliances and
personal effects, the report said, but the woman said “she had a computer and
over 100 pairs of shoes, but they were not in the pile and their status was
unknown at the time of the report.”
The woman said her sister threw her things out and she wanted to file the report to take her sister to court.