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7 adorable #marriagegoals everyone should have
Make your marriage awesome by trying these seven delightful goals. - photo by Jessica Blain
Your spouse is an amazing person. You cant believe you get to spend forever with him or her. Though marriage has its ups and downs, it is completely worth it. Below are some goals every couple should have to make their marriage even better.

Take as many adorable photos as possible

Show the world how in love you are by taking adorable pictures with your number one beau. Hanging these pictures throughout your house will remind the both of you how in love you are. It just might take your breath away to see how much your spouse loves you.

Work together to reach your goals

Your wife might want to drop a couple of pounds, so work out together. If your husband wants to have more alone time with you, then set a date night every week. Work together to reach all of your goals. After time, you will begin to wonder how you could have ever lived without the support of your spouse.

Wear matching jewelry

Matching as a couple has always been adorable, and matching jewelry doesnt fall short of that. Having something you both always wear will serve as a reminder that he is yours and you are his. Every time you look at it you will know you married your soul mate.

Breakfast in bed as much as possible

Nothing is more romantic than breakfast in bed. Treating the person you love with something to nibble on while you both snuggle a little longer, will pull you two closer as a couple. These are moments you will never forget.

Always surprise your spouse with love notes

Surprising the one you love with a note saying how awesome she is will make your spouse swoon. She will know how much you care and that she is always on your mind. Nothing changes a bad day into a good day faster than hearing I love you from the person you love the most.

Make adorable crafts together

Nothing can be more fun then having a night in with your spouse creating something adorable. Carve pumpkins, sew new clothes, paint each other's portraits or create whatever your inspired to. Working to make something delightful will create memories you both will cherish forever.

Take time to be goofy

Your spouse is the person you can be your true self with. He or she has seen you at your best and worst yet knows how truly great you are. What can be more fun than documenting the crazy, silly moments in which you both show your goofy side?

When you said, I do, your spouse became your number one priority. Make your marriage wonderful by setting some adorably sweet goals like the ones above.
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