Join other NFL fans to watch the Seahawks and Patriots battle in Super Bowl XLIX Sunday at Thunder Run in Club Stewart. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Admission is free.
Door prizes will be given away. Food and drink specials will be sold. A drawing for preferred seating will be held 30 minutes before the game and squares will be played each quarter for plates of loaded nachos. You must be at least 21 to drink.
For more information, call 767-4717.
Daytona 500 tickets, trip
Daytona 500 tickets are on sale at the Stewart and Hunter Leisure Travel offices. Discounted tickets $60 and up, depending on seats.
Tickets are available for the Budweiser Duel and Sprint Fanzone Race on Feb. 19; the Daytona 300 Xfinity Race and Sprint Fanzone Race on Feb. 21 and the Daytona 500 and Sprint Fanzone Race on Feb. 22.
Need transportation to Daytona for the big race? Travel on a luxury bus with Leisure Travel. Register by Feb. 16 for $30 per person.
For more information, call 767-2841 on Stewart or 315-3674 on Hunter.
Bowlopolis League
An 8 for 8 Bowlopolis Bowling League at Stewart Bowling Center is open to everyone who wants to learn to bowl.
Participants bowl two games from 10-noon Saturdays starting Feb. 7. At the end of program on March 28, participants get a bowling ball.
The cost is $8 per session and includes all equipment and instructions. For more information, call 767-4273.
Team skeet, trap
A Team Ironman Shoot will start at 9 a.m. Feb. 7 at the Hunter Skeet and Trap Range, off South Perimeter Road.
Two-person teams, chosen by drawing, will shoot 5-stand, skeet and trap. Each member will shoot 25 birds. Team scores will be combined.
The cost is $25 per person. For more information, call 315-9554.
MLK tour in Atlanta
Register by Feb. 13 for a trip Feb. 28 with Leisure Travel to watch the Black History Month Parade in Atlanta and see the largest repository of materials on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the American Civil Rights Movement.
Tour includes birth home, crypt of Dr. and Mrs. King, exhibits at Freedom Hall, gift shop/information facility and reflecting pool. The cost of $60 per adult (13 and older) and $55 per child (12 and under) includes tour and transportation.
For more information, call 767-2841 at Stewart and 315-3674 at Hunter.
Toddler Valentine’s party
Children ages 0-5 are invited to a Toddler’s Valentine’s Party from 10 a.m.-noon Feb. 13 at Stewart Bowling Center. The cost of $2 per child includes shoe rental. Parents can bowl at the same price. For more information call 767-4273.
Valentine's dinner
Enjoy a four-course meal with beverage and choice of one of four entrees, as well as a shareable dessert in a romantic atmosphere from 5-9 p.m. Feb. 14 at Club Stewart. Cost is $50 per couple/$25 per person. For reservations or more information, call 767-4717.
Freedom Trail tour
Register by Feb. 18 for Leisure Travel’s Freedom Trail tour in Savannah at 11:30 a.m. Feb. 21.
See remnants of the Underground Railroad, where “free persons of color” lived during slavery times, port of entry where slaves were bought and sold, and the Savannah African American Monument.
The cost is $25 for adults and $20 for ages 3-17. It includes transportation and the tour. For more information, call 767-2841 on Stewart and 315-3674 on Hunter.
Cardboard boat regatta
Sign-up now for the Cardboard Boat Regatta at the Tominac Fitness Center Pool on Hunter, and be prepared to have fun. The regatta will be at 10:30 a.m. Feb. 28.
Participants must build a boat using cardboard and duct tape only. No charge to enter.
Each boat will race one length of the pool with a two-person crew. Paddles provided. The three competition categories are kids, adults and adults verses kids. Plus, one prize will be for the best-looking boat.
For more information, call 315-5078.
Powerlifting challenge
A Powerlifting and Bench Press Challenge has been set for Newman Fitness Center on March 14.
Contestants must be at least 16 and will be placed into one of 11 different weight classes (male and female).
Awards will be presented to the top three pressers and lifters and each participant gets a T-shirt.
Registration through Feb. 28 is $20 per competitor and then goes up to $25. For more information, call 767-3031.