Georgia Operation: Military Kids will offer camping opportunities this summer for military youth. More than 150 military children took advantage of three camps last summer.
“My son really enjoyed camp! He came home telling us about how many fun and exciting things he did, saw and learned. I really appreciate camps and programs like these for our military kids,” one parent said.
OMK camps are provided at minimal cost through funding from the office of the secretary of defense. Summer camps are free to any child who is a dependant of a service member in the Army, reserve or guard. These programs are open to all service branches. Four camps are planned:
National Guard/OMK Youth
Leadership Weekend Camp
When: April 8-10
Where: Wahsega 4-H Center in Dahlonega
Who: This camp is open to military children ages 12-15. This camp is funded via the Georgia National Guard child and youth programs.
Info: For more information or to register, go to
OMK Beach Adventure Camp
When: May 29-June 2
Where: Jekyll Island 4-H Center
Who: 50 military children ages 12-15 from across Georgia will gather to learn how to deal with issues of military life while enjoying beach and marine adventures such as swimming, dolphin cruises, sea turtle walks, an adventure on Cumberland Island and a tour of Kings Bay Naval Base and Submarine.
Cost: $15.
Military Youth Advisory Council
When: June 26-29
Where: Athens
Who: The advisory council will consist of 16 high school-aged youth representing every branch and component of the military. Applicants must be dependants of military members. Campers must be in high school.
Participants will build skills in self-responsibility by interacting with military members, elected officials and community-service agencies. Council members will identify issues facing today’s military youth and search for solutions through communication with each other, state and military leaders, adult civilians and military members.
OMK High Adventure Camp
When: July 19-23
Where: Wahsega 4-H Center
Who: 50 military children ages 12-15 from across Georgia will gather for a week of whitewater rafting, camping, spelunking, zip lining and wall-climbing.
Cost: $15.
For more information on summer camping opportunities, go to or call Marcus Eason, Georgia OMK coordinator at 706-542-4444.
Enthusiastic adult volunteers also are needed for summer camps. Anyone interested in volunteering at one or more of the summer camps should go to or call Eason at 706-542-4444.
Summer camps for military children
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