Jan. 20 to Feb. 18: You might want to reject a suggested change. But it could be wise to go with the flow, at least for a while. You can always return to your first plan if you like.
Feb. 19 to March 20: You’re bolstered by both the practical and poetic sides of your nature as you maneuver through some unsettled emotional situations. Things ease up by week’s end.
March 21 to April 19: You might feel bolder as each new success falls into place. But caution is still advised through the end of the week. Until then, a step-by-step approach is best.
April 20 to May 20: That cooperation you request could come at too high a price. Since few can beat the bovine at being clever and resourceful, why not see what you can do on your own?
May 21 to June 20: It’s a good time to go on that fun getaway you’ve been planning. You’ll return refreshed, ready and, yes, even eager to tackle the new challenge that awaits you.
June 21 to July 22: The concerned crab will act to resolve workplace misunderstandings before they get out of hand and cause more-serious problems. Co-workers rally to support your efforts.
July 23 to Aug. 22: What the big cat might see as a disturbing act of disloyalty might just be a failure of communication on both sides. Take time for mediation rather than confrontation
Aug. 23 to Sept. 22: Be more patient with those who seem unwilling to accept your version of what’s right. The fact is, there’s a lot more to learn on all sides of this issue.
Sept. 23 to Oct. 22: It should be easier to assess the facts you’ll need to make an important decision. But don’t commit if you still have doubts. There could be more you need to know.
Oct. 23 to Nov. 21: Your excitement level remains high as you continue working on that new project. Expect some setbacks. But on the whole, all will move pretty much on schedule.
Nov. 22 to Dec. 21: It might be wise to be more prudent with expenses right now. But your financial situation should soon clear up, and you could be back shopping, happily as ever.
Dec. 22 to Jan. 19: You might prefer sticking with your current schedule. But some newly emerging information could persuade you to consider a change. Keep an open mind.
Horoscopes for week of Jan. 23-29

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