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It is Easter Week, which some traditions refer to as Holy Week. Throughout the week, perhaps you have had the opportunity to attend worships services that reflect the events leading up to Resurrection Day.  
There was Palm Sunday, commemorating when Jesus rode the donkey into Jerusalem amid great fanfare. The very next day, the Lord was in the temple, running out those who were making a mockery of the house of God.
Today often is known as Maundy Thursday. On this day, the disciples met with Jesus for their final meal together before his death — the Last Supper, if you will — and then went with him to the garden to pray. There, he was arrested, and the trial soon began.
Good Friday is the name given for that fateful day when Jesus died for the sins of the world. How can it be a good day, knowing that the Lord of the universe died? Because our sins were taken upon his shoulders, and now we have the possibility for the forgiveness of sin.
And finally, there is Easter Sunday morning. In response to the women coming to see the body of Jesus, the angel said, “Why do you look for the living among the dead. He is not here. He is risen!”
And from that moment on, all of history was changed. The fact that Jesus is alive is the most significant of all historical facts. If it can ever be proven that he is not alive, then Christianity does not matter. But if Jesus is alive, as C.S. Lewis put, “Nothing else matters.”
I’m living in faith that the God who created the universe was and is powerful enough to raise the dead. And I am confident that he did so first with his son, our savior, Jesus Christ. For that, I am eternally grateful.
I trust that you will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with your church family. If you have not attended church lately, find a good Bible-teaching congregation and join with them in worship this week. Jesus is alive, and that is the best news of all.

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