"Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him’"
—Genesis 2:18, NLT
This scripture is used often when talking about marriage, but I also think that this speaks to how God desired us to be social.
Think of the last time you were in a public setting. Whether it was in a store, doctor’s office, restaurant, park or even church, one thing that you can count on is that the majority of people are entertaining themselves with an electronic device.
Yes, some may see it as a great way to pass time. But in these once social settings, we have become anti-social.
We used to be able to spark a conversation with that "random" person in the grocery store line. We talked to our neighbors. We looked forward to going to church to not just get a word from the Lord, but to fellowship with the saints.
The Bible also states, "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near" (Hebrews 10:25, NLT).
We are neglecting one another by being on social media, but we are not being social with one another in social settings. We have become just like Adam with a lot bodies around us, but Adam didn’t overlook the blessing given to him by God of somebody being like him.
The problem with being less social is that we fail to learn how we all communicate. We don’t truly learn that people are different. We don’t learn that people have a difference in opinions and views but still have good heart.
This is learned through conversations. By hearing the tone and emotions of another individual, we learn not to be offended just because somebody disagrees. This happens because we can see and hear that the person did not mean it maliciously.
We also don’t learn to discern from the people who are right or wrong for us just because they talk a good game. Social media has taught us to friend the ones that like us and disconnect from the ones who do not. We then do this in our real life, which causes us to have less meaningful relationships and makes us less diverse.
We must realize that God did not leave Adam with only animals, but gave him somebody like him. Not exactly like him, and who maybe didn’t see things the same way all the time. However, he had somebody to have a conversation with and help him through this thing called life.
I challenge you to look up from your phone and notice the people around you. Notice the blessings you could be missing.
That one friend you needed to help get you through a rough time was missed because you never looked up to speak. Some may need more friends than others, but everybody needs somebody.
Even if you think you have enough people in your life, somebody needs you.
The song writer wrote, "We all need somebody to lean on." God agreed and created Eve long before Bill Whithers.
Harper is a member of Baconton Missionary Baptist Church and the United Ministerial Alliance.