I don’t watch all of the commercials on television, but I do see some.
What is interesting is how the advertisers make the deals seem so unbelievable. They almost make a person want to go out and purchase this or that immediately.
I also notice the small words at the bottom of the screen that disappear very quickly, like one such statement reading, “Restrictions apply.”
One such commercial tells us that a person of a certain age can purchase life insurance at an unbelievable price. “Restrictions apply” means this person has to be in perfect health with no risk factors to get this price, which means the restriction applies to almost everybody.
As I was thinking about all of this, my mind went to the issue of salvation – not that Christians are trying to sell it, but there are some truths that apply.
When God’s grace is offered, there are no restrictions that apply. God offers forgiveness to anyone who is willing to trust him by faith through confession of those sins. A person doesn’t have to be of a certain color, a certain race, a certain gender, a certain economic level or a certain age. We don’t have to be from a Christian family either.
God is no respecter of persons.
No restrictions apply with God
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