The Bryan County United Way has projects in motion designed to assist those in need.
Here are three such projects:
- Fans for low income seniors are being distributed at the food banks at both ends of the county: Thursdays at Way Station in Richmond Hill and Wednesdays at North Bryan Coalition of Churches in Pembroke.
- As a result of the recent back-to-school supply drive at the Richmond Hill Publix, United Way and Bryan County Family Connection is in the process of getting school supplies to every counselor in the school system.
"Counselors and principals will insure that no Bryan Co. child will be without the tools needed to succeed," said Bryan County United Way Director Janice Blunt.
- The United Way is accepting and screening applications for Helping Hands projects to help low income Bryan County residents with home projects. The group has an upcoming Super Saturday event on Sept. 8.
"We have a ton of applications, so what we need now is supplies and volunteers," Blunt said. "The week-long event this summer was such a success and brought pride to a lot of neighborhoods. Helping Hands is hoping to have enough resources to have a Super Saturday once a quarter."
For more information, call the Bryan County United Way at 756-5333 or 653-5344. To volunteer for Helping Hands, call Pastor Steve Lane at 308-7635.