Head Start
Coastal Georgia Area Action Authority, Inc., which administers the Head Start program in nine counties, including Bryan County, is currently accepting applications for Head Start for the coming school year. Children must be at least 3 years old and not older than 5 on or before Sept. 1, 2007.
For more information about the program, please call the center at 653-4990.
Church anniversary
Pastor Stanford L. Anderson I and the entire Calvary Missionary Baptist Church Family invite everyone to celebrate its 136th church anniversary.
The church will continue celebrating April 11–13 during nightly services which will begin at 7 p.m. each evening. The climax takes place Sunday, April 15 at 3 p.m. with Pastor Ricky Bready, Sr. and Tremont Temple Missionary Baptist Church, Savannah.
The church is located off Hwy. 17 South on Danielsiding Loop Road in Richmond Hill. All are invited to join the Calvary experience.
Magnolia Manor
Magnolia Manor on the Coast is pleased to welcome Matthew Cohen as guest speaker in their Renaissance Lecture Series on April 12 at 5:30 p.m. Cohen will talk about how to make traditional southern food into a gourmet dining experience, using examples from his restaurant The New South Cafe.
The public is invited to the lecture, but an RSVP is required. Call Julie Gartside at 756-4300 to RSVP.
Free compost
The city of Richmond Hill has arranged for compost to be available for Richmond Hill residents free of charge. This organic material was collected by CH2M Hill by way of the weekly yard waste collection process.
Compost is one of nature’s best mulches and soil amendments, and you can use it instead of commercial fertilizers. A garden soil blended with compost is better able to hold air and water, drains more efficiently and contains a nutrient reserve that plants can draw on. The soil also tends to produce plants with fewer insect and disease problems. Compost is available for pick-up daily during regular park hours of operation 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Residents requiring a bag may pick one up at the park office. Residents are required to self-load the compost. Call 756-2317 with questions.
The Bryan County NAACP Interest Group presents "The Twelve Months of Black History" featuring local black heroes.
NAACP Georgia State President Edward DuBose will be keynote speaker. The event is Sunday, April 15 at Mt. Moriah Missionary Baptist Church, 185 Poplar St., Pembroke. Dinner will be served beginning at 3 p.m. Admission is free. All are welcome. For more information, call Dave Williams at 653-3472.
Sailing fundraiser
Tickets for the Richmond Hill Sailing Booster Club’s oyster and chicken roast and raffle are now on sale at RE/MAX Accent, Ella’s, Lavender Hill SpaSalon and Outriggers Grill through April 20. The cost is $35 and proceeds will help purchase sailboats, spare parts and building materials for a floating dock. The event is Saturday, April 28 from 3-7 p.m. at Outrigger’s Grill at Kilkenny. Call Debbie Tillman at 727-2915 or Carrie Rhode at 727-5315 for more information.
Business expo
The Richmond Hill-Bryan County Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the 3rd Annual Business Expo on April 28 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Richmond Hill Recreation Center on Timber Trail Road.
This event will showcase the diversity and flavor of our local businesses. You are invited to be a part of the best that Richmond Hill and Bryan County businesses have to offer. This is a unique opportunity for the community to come and find out about the many businesses and services in our area. Come sample food from popular local restaurants and see displays from our specialty vendors.
Prize drawings will be held throughout the event.
For more information on attending, or for being an exhibitor or sponsor, please contact the Chamber of Commerce at 756-3444, or visit the Expo website at www.richmondhillexpo.com.
Coastal Gardens
Friends of Coastal Gardens is holding a Sunday Supper in the Strawberry Patch on April 29 from 4-7 p.m. at the Bamboo Farm and Coastal Gardens. There will be tours, a silent auction and supper. The cost is $15 per person. A reservation is requested. Call 921-5460.
Friends 4 Mike
In January, longtime Bryan County resident and self-employed woodworker Mike Pelletier discovered he had a rapidly growing malignant tumor on his mouth. He had surgery to remove the tumor, and his doctors believe all the cancer was removed. But while the cancer may be gone, he still needs reconstructive surgery. Friends 4 Mike is trying to bring good luck Pelletier's way by raising funds to defray some of his medical costs, and they invite you to participate in the Change Your Luck Weekend beginning on Friday, April 13. Not only will you be helping Pelletier, but you might get lucky by winning a great prize at the golf tournament, raking in the chips at the poker tournament or finding the item of your dreams at the silent auction.
Here are ways you can help:
- Play in the golf tournament (four person scramble $200 per team) or sponsor a hole ($100 per hole).
- Donate a prize for the golf tournament or the silent auction.
- Participate in the poker tournament or join Friends 4 Mike at Augie’s for dinner and a silent auction.
The golf tournament will take place on Friday, April 13 at 1 p.m. at The Waterford Landing Golf Course. All other events will take place on Sunday, April 15 at Augie’s Pub. Space is limited for all events so please register early. Call Kim at 604-9995 for more information.
Wheeles family fund
A fund has been established at First Bank of Coastal Georgia in Pembroke to aid Phillip and Penny Wheeles.
They were awakened by their dog early Friday, March 23 to find their home on fire. They escaped with only the clothes they were wearing, and lost everything else. They had no insurance. Mr. Wheeles is a former pastor at several area churches, including Eldora Baptist and First Baptist of Blitchton. Any help is greatly appreciated. Gifts may be sent to First Baptist Church of Blitchton, 5204 Highway 80, Ellabell, Ga. 31308 Attn: Wheeles Family Fund.
The April and May meetings of the Pembroke City Council will not be held on the second Monday as normally scheduled. The April meeting is April 16 and the May meeting is May 1. Both start at 7 p.m. at the J. Dixie Harn Community Center at city hall, 160 North Main St. The public is encouraged to attend. Persons with disabilities need to call 653-4413 if assistance is required.
Confederate ball
The public is invited to join in a historical evening on April 28 from 8 p.m.-midnight at the Wilmington Island Golf Club. Take a step back in time, enjoy a true confederate ball and buffet dinner. See ladies and gents in period attire. Listen to period music from the band, UnReconstructed, and participate in or enjoy viewing period dancing.
The dress is period wear or formal. Tickets are $60 per person. For more information, call 727-2290.
Get your events online at www.bryancountynews.net.