Advance voting
Advance Voting for the Presidential Preference Primary will begin Jan. 28 and end Feb. 1. Hours will be from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Locations will be 151 S. College Street at the Voter Registration Office, Pembroke and 9930 Ford Ave., Courthouse Annex, Richmond Hill.
Healthy heart
Want to love your heart this Valentine’s Day? Then head over to Magnolia Manor, where personal trainer Derek Frazier will share his secrets on how to live a heart healthy life. The event, which is part of the Renaissance Lecture Series for Magnolia Manor on the Coast, will be February 14th at 5:30 p.m. Call 756-4300 or visit for more information.
Relay for Life
Ellabell United Methodist Church, on Hwy. 204, will sponsor a spaghetti supper for $6.00 per plate on Feb. 1, beginning at 6:30 p.m. All proceeds will go towards the Relay for Life. Please come out and support a great benefit.
RH Rec Board
Richmond Hill Recreation Board of Director’s Meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the Bottoms. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Rotary fundraiser
The Rotary is gearing up for its annual fundraiser. The black tie event will be held on Feb. 23 at the Brogdon-Spier. The event is open to the public and will host a silent auction and grand prize drawings. Some items include dinner and cruise, artwork, or an all-expense paid trip to Russia. Tickets can be purchased from Rotary members or at the Chamber of Commerce office off Hwy. 17 in Richmond Hill.
Huge yard sale
The fourth annual Peaches to the Beaches Yard Sale will be March 14-16, along Hwy. 341, the Golden Isles Parkway. The 212-mile yard sale will link peach-growing counties in middle Georgia to the beaches of Georgia’s Golden Isles, with community sites in 20 cities and towns, including Jesup, Brunswick, St. Simons Island and Jekyll Island.
In Brunswick, the event will take place at Mary Ross Waterfront Park on Saturday only, Mar. 15, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Shoppers throughout the state are encouraged through the official Peaches to the Beaches website ( to shop all along Highway 341 on Friday, Mar. 14, and then head down to the "beaches" on Saturday to buy locally on Mar. 15. Official sites will also be located on St. Simons Island at the Pier Village and on Jekyll Island at the Convention Center.
To find out more, contact GIAHA at 912-262-6665 or, or visit
Antiques, show
The 19th annual Thomasville Antiques Show and Sale opens Friday, Feb. 29, and continues through Sunday, Mar. 2, at the Exchange Club Fairgrounds on Ga. 122.
Twenty-eight dealers from 14 states will participate in the show, offering a full range of antiques from fine English and French furniture to estate jewelry to sporting art and botanical prints.
Guests can shop the selection of fine antiques, speak with the dealers about collecting, and attend up to three lectures, enhancing one’s understanding of antiques. Call to find out more about the show and special events associated with it.
General admission tickets are $12; additional tickets and other information can be found at or by contacting, or by calling the sales office at 229-225-9354.
All proceeds from the Thomasville Antiques Show and Sale benefit children’s programs.
Free tax prep
Happy Hearts of First Baptist Church Richmond Hill will be sponsoring free tax preparations for Senior Adults by AARP in the church fellowship hall every Wednesday between February 6th through April 9th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 9184 Ford Avenue, Hwy 144. For more information please call the church office at 756-2196.
New reading program
A new reading program at the Richmond Hill Library, called Reading to Dogs, will start with its pilot event on Saturday, Jan. 26, from 10 a.m.-noon.
The idea behind the program is that, while reading to a therapy dog, children are less self-conscious and therefore become more confident when reading in front of classmates or teachers.
The first guest for the program will be Chloe, a Great Pyrenees registered therapy dog.
The library is asking parents who are interesting in bringing their child to the event to call 756-3580, so they have an estimate of how many children will be attending.
Head Start
Bryan County Head Start at 166 Bacontown Road in Pembroke is currently accepting applications for the coming school year. Complete services are provided for all children, including those with special needs. Children must be at least 3-years-old, and not older than 5 before Sept. 1, 2008. The following documentation is needed for enrollment in the Head Start Program: birth certificate, updated shot record, proof of income, complete physical, dental exam, social security card and insurance card. For more information please call Ann Chance at 653-4990.
Richmond Hill Toastmasters is held every Monday, 8:30 a.m. at Magnolia Manor. For more information visit or call 912.341.9832.
Volunteers needed
Would you like to share your memories, military or family stories with our patients?
Make your New Year’s resolution to volunteer a reality by becoming a friend to a Hospice Savannah Homecare or Hospice House patient and their family.
Special weekend training offered on the first two Saturdays in February (both sessions necessary), from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. at the Community Education Room, Hospice House, 1352 Eisenhower Drive, Savannah. Lunch provided. For more information, contact Beth Logan, Volunteer Manager at 355-2289 or go to
Need a speaker?
Is your organization looking for a speaker for your next meeting. If so CASA can help by telling you how you can make a difference in the lives of abused children in our community. For more information, please call CASA at 447-8908.
Victorian Lady
On Feb, 7 at 7 p.m. at the Wetlands Center in Richmond Hill, the Richmond Hill Historical Society will present Kandi Carle as The Victorian Lady. Carle has traveled the east coast in this "one woman show" taking audiences on a journey of discovery of lifestyles during the Civil War, Victorian, and Edwardian periods.
This presentation is part of Richmond Hill Historical Society’s on-going lecture series, offered at no charge to members and the general public. Come learn about the past; it may help you understand the future.
Please call the Richmond Hill Museum at 756-3697 or 756-2676 if you need more information or need directions.
Online notary
Rebecca G. Crowe, Bryan County Clerk of Courts announced that new and renewal notary public applications are now filled out online. The Bryan County Superior Court Clerk’s office, in conjunction with the Georgia Superior Court Clerks’ Cooperative Authority, has developed an online notary public application process. Go to and select the Georgia Notary Online Application link. Fill out the application online and print a copy. Once all the necessary signatures are obtained, simply bring the notary public application to the Superior Court Clerk’s office for processing.
"We hope that you find this service to be beneficial as the Bryan County Superior Court Clerk’s office continues to explore and implement new ways to improve services delivered to the citizens of Bryan County," Crowe said.
If you should have any questions regarding this application process, call 653-3872 and ask for the real estate office or call the satellite office in Richmond Hill at 756-2066.
The Windsor Forest High School graduating class of 1993 will be hosting a 15-year class reunion on Aug. 23 at the Hilton Garden Inn Midtown in Savannah.
Please visit to view a class roster as well as reunion details. Please contact Dereka (Sears) Pullins for additional information at 220-3950. Teachers and faculty are welcome to participate.
Master naturalist
Are you interested in learning about the environment around you? If so, you may want to take the Master Naturalist course.
Cost of the program is $175 which will include all materials necessary for the course, plus several other manuals to make your learning experience more enjoyable and easier. This fee does not cover transportation. Fee for applicant’s spouse is $100. Only one set of books per couple. This program is presented by the Coastal Georgia County Extension Offices.
Applications will be accepted by the Bryan County Extension office until Feb. 27. Class size is limited to 25 applicants. To receive an application or for more information, please call David Moulder at 653-2231 Bryan County Extension or e-mail
Theater workshop
Always thought you might like to do some acting, but are afraid of memorizing all those lines, having to wear costumes and makeup, worrying about sets and props?
Arts on the Coast will sponsor a series of 6 Reader’s Theatre Workshops in Richmond Hill for anyone interested, beginning Feb. 12. Reader’s Theatre allows everyone the opportunity to be an actor with none of those worries! Each participant has a script from which to read - there is no memorization nor costumes, sets, props or makeup required! You’ll be given the opportunity to learn how to create characters with voice and movement, and learn many of the secrets of the trade. The series will be 6 nights, from Feb. 12 through March 18, with a performance on March 18. You will be exposed to Shakespeare and the 3 witches from Macbeth, silliness from Woody Allen and drama from Kurt Vonnegut, to name a few of the available scripts. Arts on the Coast members may attend for free; non members are $10 for the whole 6 weeks. If you are interested or would like more information about Reader’s Theatre, please contact Jacki Scott at 756-7841 or Barbara Estes at 727-2538 no later than February 8. Workshops will be held at Magnolia Manor in Richmond Hill on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30 PM and are limited to 30 people 18 and over.
AL Post 27
American Legion Post 27, Richmond Hill, meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce office in the Brogdon-Speir Building. The executive board meets at 6 p.m. All vets are invited to attend, whether members or not, to see what the post does for Richmond Hill and soldiers overseas.
AL Post 164
American Legion Post 164, Pembroke, meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The Ladies Auxiliary also meets at the same time. The post is located on Highway 280 west, approximately one half mile past Harvey’s on the right. All veterans are invited to attend. The Post is available to the community for use for family functions, etc. For more information call 653-4958 or 653-4933.
Fight cancer
January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and You Need Fitness is conducting a fitness boot camp at Lake Mayer Park in Savannah on Saturday, Jan. 26 beginning at 11 a.m. The cost is $25 and proceeds will go to the National Cervical Cancer Coalition to help fund research in the fight against the disease.
Code enforcement
Yard or garage sale signs are not to be attached to any utility poles, light poles or road signs of any type within the Richmond Hill city limits. Yard or garage sale signs are permitted as long as they are freestanding. The person having the sale must remove the signs as soon as the sale is finished. In addition, the property near Sterling Creek Bridge on Hwy. 144 is a prohibited area with regard to the sale of vehicles and any other personal property. The area will be posted with signs regarding the prohibition. Violators will be cited.
For more information, call Code Enforcement Officer Chaley Davis at 756-3592.
Calvary Baptist
Everyone is invited to Calvary Baptist for eight hours of lay ministry training, Saturday, Jan. 26 from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. It's free to attend. A complimentary continental breakfast and lunch will be served. Guest Speakers are Reverend Michael A. Langham, Director of Pastoral Care for Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Southwest Medical Center, Tulsa, Okla., and Lyn Thompson, Spiritual Outreach Coordinator, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Tulsa. The church is located off Hwy 17 South on Daniel Siding Loop Road in Richmond Hill. Stanford L. Anderson, I, pastor. Please contact the church office at 756-2702 to register to attend this seminar.
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