Veterans' Day
A Veterans’ Day program will be held in downtown Pembroke Saturday, Oct. 10 beginning at 11 a.m.. Included in the program, eleven flags will be dedicated by Jesse France, a flag folding ceremony by Boy Scout Troop 357, and a flag retirement ceremony. Everyone is invited to attend.
Youth rally
A youth rally will be held Saturday, Nov. 10 at the Brew Station on Main Street in Pembroke. The rally will begin at 7 p.m. with special guests including Index Youth Drama, Driven from Pembroke First Baptist Church, and a message by Pastor Tim Moore from Bloomingdale. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and come and enjoy the evening. For more information call 653-6847.
P&Z rescheduled
Due to the observance of Veteran’s Day, the regularly scheduled Richmond Hill Planning Commission meeting on Monday, Nov. 12, has been rescheduled to Tuesday, Nov. 13, at 7:30 p.m.
Meeting moved
Due to the observance of Veteran’s Day, the regularly scheduled Pembroke City Council meeting of Monday, Nov. 12, has been rescheduled to Monday, Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. in the City Hall.
North Bryan Chamber
The North Bryan Chamber of Commerce will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 21, from noon-1 p.m. A program on ‘Tax Tips for Businesses’ will be presented by Marjorie Shuman, CPA. The meeting includes lunch and will be held at Pembroke City Hall. The cost is $7.50 per person; call Mary Warnell at 653-2244 to make a reservation for the lunch.
Retired educators
The Bryan/Evans Retired Educators Association will meet at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13 at Southern Image Restaurant. Call Esther Sexson (Richmond Hill) 727-3013 or Jean Owens (Pembroke) 653-4732.
DDS closed
All Department of Driver Services (DDS) Customer Service Centers (CSC’s) will be closed on Saturday, Nov. 10 in observance of the Veterans Day Holiday. CSCs will reopen for business on Tuesday Nov. 13. Please remember that a day after a holiday closing is a very busy day and plan ahead. DDS administrative offices, including the customer call center, will be closed on Veterans Day, Nov. 12. Many driver services can be initiated online via
Water main shutoff
The City of Richmond Hill has announced the water main on Hwy. 144 from the Fish Hatchery west to Love’s Truck Stop will be shut off for five hours from 11 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 13, to 4 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 14, for construction work.
Vets observance
The Mayor and Council of the City of Richmond Hill cordially invite you to the 2007 Veterans Day Observance Monday, Nov. 12 at 11 a.m. in J.F. Gregory Park near the Veterans Monument light refreshments follow. Lt. Col. Brian Gale, 3rd Infantry Division Rear Detachment Commander will be guest speaker.
Harvest for all
Bryan County Farm Bureau is collecting staple food items until Nov. 10, during the statewide Harvest for All Campaign coordinated by Georgia Farm Bureau in an effort to help Georgians in need. Staple food items recommended for donation include peanut butter, cereal, toaster pastries, rice, dried beans, macaroni and cheese, canned meats, soups and vegetables and meal kits such as Hamburger Helper. If you would like to participate in the food drive, please deliver your food donation to the Bryan County Farm Bureau office, located at 24 East Bacon Street between the hours of 8:30 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. For more information please call our office at 653-2310.
Harvest Festival
Members of the Pembroke Assembly of God invite the public to join them for their first annual Harvest Festival on Saturday, Nov. 10 from 10 a.m.- 3 p,m.. Included in the fun will be games, prizes, a country store, "moon walk", a country café, and lots of fun! Most activities are free; small fee for items in the country store and country café. All proceeds will benefit the Children’s Ministries. The church is located at 1514 Bacontown Road, Pembroke. For more information call Gloria Bennett at 748-6058.
Arts on the Coast
Arts on the Coast will hold its election of board of directors for 2008 at our general meeting on Thursday, Nov. 15 at Magnolia Manor at 7 p.m. Voting ballets will be mailed out to our members and should be returned by Nov. 15 or brought to this meeting for inclusion. Any ballots received after the 15th will not be valid. This is your chance to help define the organization. The club's general meetings are always open to the public.
In addition, the 2008 Arts on the Coast calendar is now available and includes artwork from visual arts members! You may call Kathy at 727-3820 or Tina at The Midway Gallery at 884-2736 or, drop by the Chamber of Commerce to purchase. It comes with 2008 dates for: Arts on the Coast, Rotary Club, Lions Club, Exchange Club, Garden Club, Historical Society, Business After Hours, Women’s Business Alliance, and the Bamboo Farm.
The Friends of the Library are in desperate need of paper back books in the mystery, spy, adventure and romance genre. These paper backs have to be in good condition: no missing covers, torn or yellowed pages. The re-sale of these books benefits the Richmond Hill Public Library. All donations are tax free. Bring books to the Richmond Hill Library. Call 756-3580 for more information.
Richmond Hill United Methodist Church’s Annual Bar-B-Que, Bazaar and Silent Auction will be held Saturday, Nov. 17. A community tradition since 1951, this fund-raiser occurs every year on the Saturday immediately proceeding Thanksgiving.
The bazaar features handmade items by the church’s Bunny Club Craft Group. The silent auction consists of donated items from merchants here in Richmond Hill and the surrounding areas of Savannah, Hinesville, and Midway. Scheduled events: Bulk food sales: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Dine in or takeout food service: 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Silent Auction: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Bazaar: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Meal tickets can be purchased in advance by calling the church office at 756-2190. Also available are pre-orders of whole hams, quarts of potato salad and apples. Chopped ham and skins can be purchased by the pound and BBQ sauce by the quart and gallon on the day of the auction.
AL Post 27
American Legion Post 27, Richmond Hill, meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce office in the Brogdon-Speirs Building. The executive board meets at 6 p.m. All vets are invited to attend, whether members or not, to see what the post does for Richmond Hill and soldiers overseas.
AL Post 164
American Legion Post 164, Pembroke, meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The Ladies Auxiliary also meets at the same time.
The post is located on Highway 280 west, approximately ½ mile past Harvey’s on the right. All veterans are invited to attend. The Post is available to the community for use for family functions, etc. For more information call 653-4958 or 653-4933.
Holiday lunch
Ladies are invited to Carey Hilliard’s Banquet Room at 11111 Abercorn Ext. on Wednesday, Nov. 14 at noon. Buffet lunch is $9.75. Carolyn Bashlor, a florist, will display decorations. Jacquie Burkin of Sun City, S.C. will sing. Norma Dinkelmeyer from Towaco, N.J. will speak. For free nursery call Faye at 925-6129. For reservations call Betty at 925-3789 by Nov. 12. Sponsored by Chatham County Christian Women’s Club.
Grief support
Grief support meeting for parents who’ve lost a child meets every 2nd Tuesday at 7 p.m. at Pembroke Church, Hwy. 280. The next meeting will be November 13th. Call Gayle Sharpe, 653-2876, for further information. Mrs. Sharpe stated, "Please come and get a blessing in your grieving – it’s helping me also."
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