Students across the county wrote down their Christmas wishes for Santa Claus. To make sure he knows what they want, the Bryan County News is going to help deliver their messages as quickly as possible. The following letters are from third-graders at Bryan County Elementary. (Letters are printed as written):
Dear santa,
I want a underarmor hat, long slevee shirt’s, baseball cleafs, short sleve’s shirt’s, and shorts. I would like a new bike to please. I would like the new game epic mickey 2 for the wii. I would like a baseball game for the play staion 2. p.s. the long sleve shirt’s for under armor are forr baseball. there will be cookies for you next to the chimmney and milk
from Aaron
Dear Santa,
My name is Kate. This is my wish list a golf cart, Jim mats, cheata shose, miney i Pad, i phone, a puppy, compuater, smart bord, new tv, mony, pool, color tiles, go cart, a rabbit, may I have a elf on the shelft. Thank You
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is the wii games kidz pop Dance and Zumba and I want a bardie cruse ship and barbie cholthes and I want a feather maker and a jewelry maker and I want is orbez suthing spa and a hokey table and a trampalen and I want a Hello kitty train case that has makeup in it and a Hello kitty suitcase and Hello kitty cholthes and a girl puppy that is brown and I want a I phone and a I pad that are pinck.
Love, Abby
Dear santa,
I would like a touch screen phone that flips on the side. And a new lesh for my dog. And a Nerf Gun with the blue water bultet’s. that goes fast.
sincerly, Jarquez
Dear Santa for christmas I want a remotane tral car and airplan. and new games Becuse somebody stoll them from are house. and for christmas I want foot ball clothes and a dirt bike thats big and I want my foll willer fixed and to go hunting I want a hand rivle. and I want a magic Iic sluchy maker that’s on TV.
from: Chandler
Daer, sante
this is Zyian are u bing good are u ready for chirsmas can u get me these toys a dsi, boll houes, some more bolls, and boll close a boll car to.
Love, Zyian
Dear santa,
Hey santa this is Lacie. And what i wont for chrismas is a new bebe gun, new couverolls and a some shirt’s and paints wiht a deer on it i and some more school suplise. Im not trying to ask for a lot of stuf.
Sinsily Lacie
Dear: Santa
I thinck I been goo this year this is the list of thangs I want I want a Phone, a proe blaster, a i pad and a psp. and that is what I want for christmas.
ps: what kind of cookies do you like best.
I want a Dirt Bike for crissmiss and a 4 willer for crissmiss. I want a Ipod for crissmiss
To: Sante
Dude can i have a eveset ebelede Clok and a x, Box and yor the Best. how old are you Sante? and your the Best ever. how meny elve’s Do you have? Do you have eny Dog’s? cepe Doing your Job.
Dear, Santa,
I want so new toy this year and I am going to have a suprise for you I am going to give you a cookies and milk. I want a play stiotion 3 and a new bike and a ds and a big Eraser and helacopter and so that can de a digger suprise for you santa so I am going to leave a gift for you.
sinsly, Sam
ps. I have a suprise for you.
Dear, Santa
Will you Give Me a bike for Christmas. Because The won you gave me Last year Broke. Santa you have a puffy beard. how does your Beard Get so Puffy. And tell Rodolf I said hey. and donald and Blixen. how did Rodolf’s nose get so red. My favorite holiday is christmas and thank’s giving. I wish you can Be here right now. Becaus I want christmas To come right now. And next I won’t a android tablet. Sometime’s People say your not real. But I don’t Believe Them. When christmas come’s I will have milk and cookies for you. and when my Brother trie’s to eat Them I will tell him know. we don’t have a chimny. So I will Leave the door open for you. And my christmas Tree will be beside the door.
Dear, Santa
how is Mrs cluse how are u
I want a horse
I want a monky
I want a Dimon ring
I want a Ball
a chalk Bord
a camera
a Riting Bord
I want to see My gardma suasen and daddy Russell
I want a dog on a leash a toy one a 2 Dollors
and multple cash on shet
P.S. I want to see my hole family on crismas Day. I want it to snow on Crismas
Dear Santa
I want:
B.B gun
alarm clock
ps: I forgot to add this on the Christmas list that I had already sent to you
From: Austin