Letters to Santa from Richmond Hill Primary School
From Ms. Shatto’s kindergarten class (no last names provided):
Dear Santa,
I would like a video game.
Dear Santa,
I love you. Thank you! I would like a basketball hoop for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I love Santa! I would like a robot for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I would love a real horse for Christmas. I love you! How old are you?
Dear Santa,
I would like a Barbie doll for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
How are you? How are the elves? I would like a turtle for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I love you. I would like a fake chicken for Christmas. Please bring me some toys.
Love, Madison
Dear Santa,
I like you. I want a train for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
How are you? Santa, I would like a motorcycle for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I love you! How are you? I’d like a bike. I would like a PSP video for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I would like a train for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I love you. I would like a twin stroller with a boy and a girl baby doll in it.
Dear Santa,
I love you! I would like a wood kitty for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I love you. How are you? I would like a fake motorcycle for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I love you. I would like a Barbie Jeep for Christmas.
Dear Santa,
I love you. I would want a toy that would be a real dog! Her name would be Coconut.
From Mrs. Edenfield’s class (most last names not provided):
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a Barbie costume.
Love, Annie
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a guitar and a motor scooter.
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a Sweet and Style baby and a Dora truck. Thank you.
Love, Rachel Formy-Duval
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a skateboard.
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a real cell phone and a necklace.
From Ms. Deneen’s kindergarten class:
Dear Santa,
I love you. For the cookies and milk, an Xbox and a Spiderman.
Kaleb Petty
Dear Santa,
Is Rudolf still there? I like you Santa. Santa, I would like toys.
Caroline Jones
Dear Santa,
I want to see your elves!!!! Can I have a Nintendo and a butterfly net?
Maya London
Dear Santa,
Do you have Rudolf? I love you. I want a toy Rudolf, a baby pony, a baby changing table with a baby pony.
Emily Colaiuta
Dear Santa,
Does Rudolf really have a red nose?
Kelly Decker
Dear Santa,
I love you very much. Is Rudolf real? Can I please have a Rapunzel doll?
Caren Bausch
From Ms. Halliburton’s 1st grade class:Dear Santa,
I love you Santa. And Mrs. Clause, too.
(No Name)
Dear Santa,
I want a Play Station and games.
Love, Justin Williams
Dear Santa,
I would like a Lego clone battle pack, droid battle pack, imperial landing craft, Lego city harbor, Lego city garbage truck, Lego city street sweeper, Lego at-at walker and a rebel base. And a Mars Mission motor ship. I have been a good boy.
Love, Paden Skinner
Dear Santa,
I want a doll and a doll.
Love, Madelyn Sutton
Dear Santa,
Bring my sister books. Bring me a fuzzy buzz loves. Bring me a blue sea horse. Bring me a macaw.
Love, Timmia Robinson
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is 10 toys.
Love, Tripp Ratcliff
Dear Santa,
I would like a Tender Heart bear, with a hamster, with some Barbie dolls.
Love, Anna (no last name provided)
Dear Santa,
I love you. Can I have an Xbox 360. Can I have Halo 3. Can I have a Playstation.
Love, Lance (no last name provided)
Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy. For Christmas, I want a robot and a racecar.
(No Name)
Dear Santa,
Can I have a fast motorcycle. Can I have a brand new bike. Can I have new cars.
Love, Bryant Jackson
Dear Santa,
I would like to see you and talk. I love you Santa.
Love, Chemar (no last name provided)
Dear Santa,
Can you bring me a Chloe Bratz toy. Can you bring me High School Musical 2. Can you bring me Cheetah Girls 2.
Love, Natalie Durham
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a hamster.
Amelle (no last name provided)
Dear Santa,
Can you bring me a Bratz movie. Can you bring me High School Musical 2.
Love, Jessie (no last name provided)
Dear Santa,
I really want the air blade. Please help me not whine and cry.
Love, Mason Brewer
Dear Santa,
How are you? I want a cell phone. Also, I would like a camo cover for it. I want a go-kart. I want a million dollars. I want Rudolph. I would play with him and take care of him.
Sincerely, Caleb Jordan
P.S. Some creepy crawlers would be nice too!!
Ms. Wynne’s 1st grade class:
Dear Santa,
Thank you for giving us toys, me and my family love holidays.
John Michael Harper
Dear Santa,
How are you Santa? How are your elves? I your elves do a great job. How is Mrs. Claus? I hope Mrs. Claus is not sick!
Love, Megan MrRick
Dear Santa,
Can you bring me a new Spiderman action figure. I hope your reindeer don’t get sick on Christmas.
Gabriel Carrillo
Dear Santa,
Hope your reindeer are doing okay. I would like the Gumby movie with episodes from the fifties, sixties and seventies. And a baseball.
Love, Emme Liptak
Dear Santa,
Please bring me snow gloves and High School Musical 2 the movie and a DVD player and High School Musical 1.
Love, Audrey Layne Skinner
Dear Santa,
How are you? Are your reindeer okay? I do not know what I want for Christmas. Maybe I can think about it.
Love, Jake Boram
Dear Santa,
I hope your reindeer are not sick. I hope your elves don’t mess up on the job. Santa! Thanks for bringing us presents.
Love, Laile Martin
Dear Santa,
Can you fill up my stocking. Are your elves doing good work? I hope your elves don’t mess up on their toys. Your sleigh is very pretty, I like your reindeer.
Kyra Byrd
Dear Santa,
I hope Mrs. Claus is not sick because she is a big help.
Love, Lakayla Watkins
Dear Santa,
I know the elves are having a snow ball fight and I bet you are cold. And the reindeers are playing in the snow.
Love, Nathan Wells Freeman
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas. I want Xbox 360 Spiderman and Superman.
Dillon Linton
Dear Santa,
I hope your reindeer don’t get sick. I hope Mrs. Claus does not get sick. I hope your reindeer don’t get tired.
Love, Tamara Hamm
Dear Santa,
I would like a present.
Love, Mr. Koby
Dear Santa,
May I please have a Barbie. May I please have a belt. May I please have a Barbie car. May I please have a picture with mom and dad.
Olivia Ring
Dear Santa,
Is Mrs. Claus okay? How are your elves. Does Mrs. Claus make toys. How many toys do you have. I hope the elves do not mess up the toys.
I love you and love Jackie Mentes
Dear Santa,
How are you. How is Mrs. Claus. Thank you for all the presents for the whole world. Can you bring me a Ben Ten Wooth and can you bring me a Ben Ten game.
Love, Parker Boston
Dear Santa,
I want an elf. I’ll help your sleigh not break down. How many elves are there.
Ben Griffin
Note: Letters are edited for spelling only. Not all signatures were legible. More letters from local schools will run in upcoming issues of the Bryan County News and online.