The SBRC U8 Wildcats claimed second place in the recently completed South Georgia Youth Football League season.
The Wildcats began their season with no returning players from the previous year. As the members practiced together, their play improved and the team concept developed. Upon conclusion of the South Georgia Youth Football League regular season, the team was in second place and prepared for the upcoming Georgia Recreations and Parks Association playoffs.
Players also participated in several postseason contests. The ’Cats traveled to Garden City for the 49th annual Rebel Bowl and also to Effingham County for the 14th annual George A. Ulmer Cracker Bowl.
The Wildcats traveled three times to Brantley County in November for GRPA district play. In the first contest, the Wildcats defeated Alma-Bacon County to advance to the second round, where they defeated Tattnall County. They then defeated Charlton County to win the district.
The state competition was in Tifton, where the Wildcats defeated Lee County in the first game. However, in their second game, Jones County pulled away after a close first half to eliminate the ’Cats.
The team was coached by John Dunivan, David Powell, Brian Martin, Justin Fisher and J.D. Johnson; team manager was John Batson; and Diedra Easterling was team mom.
Team roster
18 — Batson, John
22 — Bradshaw, Brooks
15 — Brazell, Ethan
12 — Cline, Taylor
23 — Corliss, Trey
13 — Dunivan, Ian
5 — Easterling, Caleb
17 — Evans, Karson
9 — Felix, Jacob
1 — Fisher, Ashtin
20 — Gilkey, Connor
6 — Hendricks, Bryce
8 — Hooks, Tanner
14 — Johnson, Lee
4 — Martin, Gavin
3 — McDonald, Brandon
21 — Moore, Jeremiah
11 — Piper, Liam
2 — Powell, Jackson
10 — Quinney, Billy
U8 Wildcats finish second in league

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