While fishing in the surf off Ossabaw Island Capt. Eric Adamski of GeorgiaSaltwaterCharters.com brought a bull redfish to the boat. In fact, Adamski caught three of these huge fish that day.
These giants of the surf can be caught off our beaches in the spring and will return in greater numbers in the fall. These fish are frequently targeted while bottom fishing with cut bait such as mullet, menhaden or crabs. It should be noted there is a slot length in Georgia on redfish.
You may only keep up to five fish between 14 and 23 inches. The larger fish are the breeding females and great care should be taken to release these big girls. Most bull redfish are exhausted when the angler finally gets them to the boat.
To ensure a successful release do not gaff the fish, do not hold the fish vertical, keep the time out of the water to less than one minute and do not pull hold the fish by the jaw with a gaff or other gripping device. When the fish is ready to be released, support the body of the fish and lower it into the water with its head into the current. Move the fish back and forth until it is ready to swim off on its own. This will help to ensure a healthy population of redfish for generations to come.
Adamski fishes out of Ft. McAllister Marina in Richmond Hill.