SOCIAL CIRCLE — Hunters and other interested citizens are encouraged to review proposed changes to hunting regulations for the 2015-16 and 2016-17 seasons and make plans to attend a scheduled public hearing.
Some of the proposed changes include uniform statewide deer season, to expand hunting opportunity for alligators and bears, to modify either-sex days to manage white-tailed deer, and to regulate hunting and other activities on wildlife-management areas and other state lands. Three public hearings are scheduled to provide the public an opportunity to share comments on the proposed hunting regulation changes.
All meetings will begin at 7 p.m.
• April 14 — Cornerstone Christian Church, 236 Etowah River Road, Dawsonville
• April 15 — Middle Georgia State College, Mathematics Building Auditorium, 100 College Station Drive, Macon
• April 16 — Coffee County Courthouse, 101 S. Peterson Ave., Douglas
Those unable to attend a meeting may submit input either electronically or in written statement form. Input must be received by
4:30 p.m. Friday, April 24.
Mail written statements to: GA DNR/Wildlife Resources Division/Game Management Section, Attn: Tina Brunjes, 2070 U.S. Highway 278 SE; Social Circle, GA 30025. Statements may be submitted at
Hunting rules topic at meetings

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