Brianna Campbell has spent half of her life at Hendrix Park and Wednesday night she was recognized for her service at the Georgia Recreation and Parks Association District 2 awards dinner.
In addition to Campbell eight other individuals and three organizations were also honored at the function which was held at the Hendrix Park gymnasium and attended by approximately 90 people.
Dr. Samose Mays, director of Bryan County Parks and Recreation, is the GRPA District 2 commissioner. There are seven districts statewide with District 2 being made up of recreation departments from 19 counties. GRPA offers local and statewide competition in more than a dozen sports.
In Bryan County taxpayers get a bang for their buck as Mays said approximately 4,500 children reap the benefits of sports offerings at Henderson Park (3,500) and Hendrix (1,000).
Campbell, a graduate of Bryan County High School, is the athletic programmer for Hendrix, and she, along with Tommy Dean who is the athletic programmer for Henderson, received the James Edo “Sunny” Miller Athletic Programmer Award.
Other awards presented were: Outstanding Volunteer Award: Dantay Cooper of Ware County, Kelvin Brown of South Bryan.
Parks Maintenance Award: John Williams of South Bryan.
Office Administrator Award: Shaunte’ Hardy, South Bryan.
Programmer Award: Pamela Trawick of City of Savannah. Distinguished Professional Award: Bruce Johns of Jeff Davis County.
Service and Leadership Award: Reece Turner of Alma Bacon.
District Agency of the Year: Garden City (A), Ware County (B) and Hendrix Park (C).
A former softball player for the Redskins, the 23-year-old Campbell is an excellent example of the role recreation departments play in the development of youngsters both athletically and their character.
“I started coming to Hendrix Park when I was 12,” Campbell said. “This is where I learned to play softball. I played four years (left field) at Bryan County High School for Coach (Al) Butler but it all started at Hendrix.”
To say learning the game and hanging out at Hendrix had a positive impact on Campbell may be a bit of an understatement.
While in high school she was a volunteer at Hendrix.
That led to a job working in the concession stand then four years ago she was promoted to the athletic programmer position.
Campbell is the daughter of Kerry and Rose Campbell of Ellabell and she said she is also the summer camp director at Hendrix.
As the athletic programmer Campbell is essentially responsible for the operation of the various athletic teams and events and does whatever is necessary to see that things run smoothly whether it be lining the softball field, making sure equipment is available, scoreboards are operable or taking care of such simple tasks as making sure scorekeepers have a pencil and scorebook.
“I was working in the concession stand when Dr. Mays offered me the job four years ago,” Campbell said. “This is not a job. It’s fun. I like watching the kids develop and go on to play in high school.”
Mays has been with Bryan County Parks and Recreation since 2014 when he was hired as the athletic director for Henderson. As District 2 commissioner he is responsible for overseeing athletics in all of the district’s recreation departments.