Dear Editor: Excluding Rep. Jack Kingston, the Republican who serves the 1st District of Georgia, I am deeply disappointed in the House Republicans.
I am aware of how, in the heat of 9/11, the Patriot Act was passed. Myself included, in the emotion of the time, did not examine the bill very closely. I was overseas at the time and allowed myself to be somewhat out of touch.
However, I was sure it would not be extended when Obama was elected. I never dreamed the Democrats would. This year, however, with so many new “genuine conservatives” coming to Congress, and considering so much espousal of conservative and strict constructionist values, I was positive that a Republican House of Representatives would not extend the Patriot Act.
Obviously, I was wrong. The aspect of the vote that amazed me was the contradiction between Republican rhetoric and their actions. I, and all Republicans, have railed, for two years about the unconstitutionality of Obamacare. Indeed, we have done the same for decades regarding assaults on the Second Amendment. I could go on, but you get the point.
You cannot cherry-pick the Constitution. Republicans have been saying this ad-nauseam. Yet, they blatantly and overwhelmingly ignore their rhetoric and the First and Fourth amendments to vote for the Patriot Act. What hypocrisy!
In my opinion, people cannot call themselves a conservative, a Republican or a Constitutional conservative and vote for the Patriot Act. When I find the most notoriously liberal and “progressive” social engineers in this nation, i.e. Pelosi and Waxman, vote against the Patriot Act, I ask, “How can people like Speaker Boehner, Michelle Bachman and Eric Cantor support it?”
I am a fortunate American and conservative, I have a Congressman from the 1st District of Georgia who will not turn his back on the Constitution for his party. He is not a hypocrite like so many of his Republican colleagues, who would employ the tactics of tyrants and despots to fight terrorism.
Jack Kingston knows one cannot cherry-pick the Constitution and the Bill of Rights without cutting down the Tree of Liberty.
Mike Steele,
You can't cherry-pick the Constitution
Letter to editor

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