Dear Editor: This letter is in response to the op-ed column written by Jennifer Jeffers in the Saturday, Jan. 29, issue.
I quote: “He (Obama) said ‘wouldn’t it be great if you could have powers like a dictator and how more efficient it would be.’ That is not a direct quote, but is the gist I got from what he said. I don’t trust this man at all.” End quote.
This is a direct quote from George W. Bush on Dec. 18, 2000: “If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I’m the dictator.”
Where were you back then, or when the Bush/Cheney regime enacted the so-called “Patriot Act,” or when Ronald Regan deregulated everybody, and as a result almost crashed our economy and the economy of the entire world?
Get your facts straight, if you are going to make such damning useless, divisive accusations. You Republicans need to realize that you and your guns are not the only worthwhile things in this country.
The American working people, whose backs this great country was built on, are the most important people here.
Elizabeth Serrao
Richmond Hill
Working American are most important
Letter to editor

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