For many years I have used the “Lord’s Prayer” as a pattern or a model for my prayer life.
After all, we find it in scripture as an answer to the disciples of Jesus on how to pray. Jesus starts out in Matthew 6:9 by saying, “This, then, is how you should pray:”. Then He proceeds with the prayer.
During the next few weeks, we will be looking at different parts of this prayer from the NIV version and how we can apply it to our prayer life.
First, the prayer states, “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,”. This means that we are to exalt the one we are praying to; His name is to be honored. When I pray this prayer, I start off with praising God for who He is. He is the Almighty, there is nothing that His power cannot do. He is Holy, which means He is perfect and righteous. He is also All-powerful, which means that there is nothing our God cannot do. I praise Him for being my creator, my Savior, my healer, my provider, my comforter, and the list can go on and on.
Then I praise Him for all of the mighty things He has done, because He is so faithful.
I thank Him for the basic needs of life I get to partake of such as water, food, shelter, clothing and clean air. I thank Him for the freedom I enjoy. I praise Him for my health and my wealth and the protection He has given for me and my family. Take time today to praise the Lord and think of the many things you can praise our God for.