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Show support for 3rd ID at listening session
News editorial
Fort Stewart display

Residents of Bryan County have the opportunity Monday to show our support for a continued strong presence of the Marne Division in Bryan and surrounding counties.
Southeast Georgia Friends of Fort Stewart and Hunter is hosting a listening session, designed to show decision-makers in Washington, D.C., how important Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield are to our region.
And make no mistake, the existence of the Fort Stewart/Hunter and affiliated military installations in Southeast Georgia has been and will be critical to our economic growth. Even more importantly, the importance of the Marne Division in engaging and deterring enemies of the United States is vital to our national security.
We’ve seen the 3rd Infantry Division in action in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Africa and other trouble spots throughout the world. Wherever they are deployed, Marne Division soldiers make us proud. Fort Stewart still is the largest military installation east of the Mississippi River, and our soldiers have been called on to face contingencies and insurgencies around the world.
Over the years, civilians, soldiers and family members living in Liberty, Long and surrounding counties have grown together. In our churches, schools and neighborhoods, we have supported soldiers and families during long deployments. And soldiers and families have supported us by shopping in our stores and adding to the welfare of our community.
• The annual economic impact to Southeast Georgia is estimated at $4.9 billion
• Losing just one soldier is estimated to decrease the economic value in our community by $220,000
• We have thousands of military retirees in our community who depend on the new Veteran’s Administration Clinic, along with health-care and shopping facilities available on post.
In the coming years, we expect a force reduction throughout the Army. It’s up to us to let the decision-makers in Washington know how strongly we support the 3rd ID in Liberty, Long, Bryan and surrounding counties. We encourage residents to show up in force Monday night and show our support for the continued presence and growth of the Marne Division in Southeast Georgia.
Time: 6 p.m.
When: Monday, Nov. 17
Where: Liberty County Performing Arts Center, 2140 E. Oglethorpe Highway, Hinesville
All community members are invited.

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