King Solomon, in one of his recorded prayers, reminded us that God “alone knows the hearts of all the sons of men.”
God has the ability to judge motives, intents, prejudices, biases and hidden thoughts. He knows whether or not a person is a hypocrite.
We might fool those around us, but we will never fool God. He knows who we really are.
It is easy for us to judge others. The truth of the matter is that all we have to go by is what our eyes see and our ears hear.
Samuel the prophet said, “God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Because we can’t see the heart then we make decisions based on what we do see, and a lot of times what we do is done innocently. What we need to do is to give others the benefit of the doubt when we can.
We also need to give others room for error as they look at us and realize they, too, are just human beings capable of making mistakes.
Another truth is that we can’t always see the flaws in our own heart, so we should pray the prayer of King David when he said, “Search me God and know my heart.”
What David is really asking is that God look deep inside his heart and reveal any wrong that is present so David could deal with it. Again, it’s not that God didn’t already know what was in his heart but that it could be dealt with.
So the big question is, what does your heart look like? And are you willing to allow God to reveal the wrong in it so he can bring about the needed change?