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Retired general supports candidate
Letter to editor
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Editor, Our military is in trouble. Budget cuts and anticipated reductions are having a serious impact on the maintenance and modernization of land systems, ships and aircraft. Another Base Realignment and Closure threatens bases, National Guard facilities and local businesses. Troop strength is being slashed. Compensation for those serving now and benefits for our veterans are being reduced. Yet, in a dangerous world, America needs a strong military.
As a 39-year Marine Corps veteran, I am proud of those who defend our freedoms. They deserve adequate pay and benefits for their sacrifices and the best training and equipment. This year, we elect representatives to the U.S. Congress who will face tough decisions and determine how well America prepares for the future. As we do for our families and businesses, they must ensure our security and essential domestic needs. They must represent the values and principles of “we the people,” not powerful special interests.
John McCallum is a candidate for Georgia’s 1st Congressional District. John is not a career politician. The citizens of the 1st District are his only special interests. He knows Congress from experience, working for former House Speaker Gingrich. John’s Naval Reserve service gives him the knowledge to ensure our military strength, proper funding for Veterans Affairs and keeping our bases open. His family values and conservative principles are founded on faith. I encourage you to support John McCallum for the Congress because he is literally the best person to represent us.
­— Robert Magnus
Gen. (ret.) US Marine Corps

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