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Our priorities
pastor corner

Every one of us has priorities in our lives and we prove what those are, generally speaking, by the use of our time, financial resources and energy.

A prime example of this is happening at the time of this writing, where it is estimated that 5 million people will travel for a chance to experience a total solar eclipse. Many of these will spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars for a three and a half minute viewing. I am not judging these people but just using them as an example of what they consider for themselves a priority.

A real tragedy is the fact of what many don’t see as a priority. Primarily we are talking about the little effort made in making preparations for eternity. In Mark 8:37 two questions are asked dealing with this issue. The first one is, “What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?”. The second question asks, “What can anyone give in exchange for their soul?”. In other words, is anything worth more than your soul?

As we go through life, we all will have to continue to make decisions based on our priorities. If we don’t make the best choices, there can be some negative consequences, but these are only temporal. If we fail to prioritize our spiritual life by choosing not to follow Jesus, then there will be an eternal consequence.

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