Rev. Jim Jackson
Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church
It must have been 1961.
Linda and I were beginner students at Baptist Bible Institute in Graceville, Florida. We were there because at the time my “glorious” high school record kept me out of accredited colleges, at least the one I wished to attend. Eventually the school became an accredited College, Florida Baptist College. But i digress.
Living off campus in a rented house, we had fellow students living next door. Good neighbors, for they often gave us food, a real treat of southern Alabama origins. So good that sometimes I made noise taking out our trash. You know, rattling the garbage can lid when I knew they were eating.
The school we were attending was mainly for older students wishing to become pastors in Southern Baptist churches. At the time, the school was not admitting any black students. They managed that by requiring applicants to send a photo with their applications. Yet they did admit one Seminole Indian and a Cuban.
Seeing the Cuban, our good neighbors remarked: “He’s not our kind.”
Ah, prejudice has a way of sneaking out in our conversations. He’s not our kind? He was an American citizen, a Christian of Southern Baptist lineage, married to a beautiful wife with two children, seeking to serve our Lord as a pastor. I must add that he was a yoyo champion from Miami. Any how, he managed to be admitted to the school though his skin was a shade darker than your standard Caucasian.
Nonetheless our neighbor announced: “He’s not our kind.” The statement was pregnant with innuendo. I should add that this was during the George Wallace era, and our neighbors, natives of his state. Sure, you recognize that prejudice has no respect for state lines.
Looking back, I realize that Jesus had no respect for the fences we construct, ruling out those who are not our kind. He had little respect for our constricted inclusiveness.
How can I say that? Well, you will remember what trouble he got into being accused of eating with sinners. He trespassed all lines of prejudice by including the diseased, the poor, the Samaritans (half-breeds to some), prostitutes, tax collectors and gentiles of multiple origins.
Not of our kind? Check it out with Jesus.