Dear Editor,
I would like to inform the readers of the way that organized youth sports in North Bryan work. I have been involved with the recreation department for nine of the last eleven years it seems to me that every year it gets more and more away from what I feel the recreation department should be about. It is no secret that the two 12&under girls team coaches do not get along. Even though I had the #1 team this season, I was told that the privilege of being all star coach would not be given to me. That for the last two years the all star coach was voted on by the board of the recreation department. I fought that decision as far as I could. We spent several hours at the gym debating who should coach the 12-&-under girls all star team. We went over the years that we have been involved at the park, me for nine years and him for five years. Both according to the park have verbal complaints against them. He also had a written complaint against him for colorful language on the field during a game, which he admitted to in the board meeting and stated that he was upset at the time and apologized for his action. The statement was also made that within the last few weeks his behavior had changed for the worst. With a written complaint on him and concerned people to speak on my behalf he was still voted the all star coach in a 6 to 3 vote by the board members on the board which he sits. According to them he would have to allow me to help him coach and they would be watching. Maybe if my language on the field had been more colorful, I had argued with the umpires more, let my emotions get the best of me or just been on the board of the recreation department I would have been qualified to be the head coach of the 12-&-under girls all star team.
Concerned coach and parent,
Jennifer Peny