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FRGs need members' information
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Editor, As I was reading last Wednesday’s paper, I came across the article about the FRGs answering the call of duty. I was really glad to see that it is now being recognized how important the FRG really is to families and soldiers. My husband is with 26 FSC and I had the chance to meet Anita when we walked in the St. Patrick’s Day parade.
 Anita was a woman full of spirit and dedication to the company. But there is something that I must stress that doesn’t seem to be getting across to wives of soldiers — new and old.
 I am involved with a FRG. I am a point of contact for my husband’s company. We are put together to let spouses and relatives know what is going on with their soldiers’ unit or right here at home. But as I’ve been calling every few weeks to check on my family members and send out e-mails, a lot are getting kicked back to me or the phone numbers are disconnected. We also had a few wives who moved back home, out of state or have left the vicinity of the base and did not informing us of this.
 I need to stress the importance of letting your POCs know this information. What if we need to contact you for an emergency and can’t find you? What if your phone is disconnected or you have left the area? I pray that nothing would ever happen to a soldier, but in reality we all know there is that chance. How do we inform you if we don’t know where you are?
When it’s time for our soldiers to pack up and come home, or new information has been handed down to us to pass on, we’d like to call, but we can’t because we don’t have the correct number or even an e-mail address.
 We all know that FRGs have a reputation for gossiping, but before you judge your FRG, go to a meeting and meet with the leader and other wives. Get to know them and understand how it works. Maybe even volunteer to help. Some of us like to do things together when the husbands are deployed.
Maggie Barcena is my FRG leader and she has worked diligently to make this FRG work and run smoothly. It is a hard job and it takes lots of work. The more volunteers Maggie has, the better things will run.
Eve Finney has been an awesome “right hand” to Maggie, always helping her out.
Although I have work and school, I try my best to at least attend meetings and get involved in fundraisers and activities for the families. I have enjoyed being part of an FRG this deployment. I have made good friends and have seen what teamwork and dedication can do for morale.
 In conclusion, I stress to please make sure your FRG has your updated information. When you leave town, even if it’s for vacation, let your POC know. This is very crucial information for us.We don’t ask for it to be nosy or to know your business. It is for you and your soldier.
— Shannon Erdman

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