It’s easy enough to assume the Republicans don’t support a 1/6 Commission to investigate the Jan. 6 sacking of the Capitol because they don’t want to be talking about the GOP’s devotion to Trumpism and its failures so close to the 2022 midterms.
But when we consider #1, that will be happening anyway since Trump still owns them, and #2, various amendments, like GOP Senator Susan Collins’ to wrap it up by year’s end, dispel such concerns, we must dig deeper.
To wit: America’s armed forces have always enjoyed broad bipartisan support. But what if it’s true that our military leaders were easily convinced to not defend our government, as exampled by the National Guard ignoring the insurrection? (Especially a government led by the opposite party the military is known for.) The military is a pretty conservative institution. My family who are military are all Republicans.
Is this the real fear that’s driving Republicans and senate minority-leader Mitch McConnell: that even a rogue lawless president like Trump can just move a few pawns around (Pentagon “leaders”), install a couple of knuckleheads, and presto, the Constitution is out and a strongman is in?
The military kaput?
It’s no secret that some former US Generals (Mike Flynn comes to mind but there are others) have suggested a Myanmar-like coup. Many signed a letter stating their opposition to the 2020 election.
A nation is only as secure as its military leaders enable.
“Make America Great Again” devolved into “Take America Down”, yes. But with the American right’s support.
Bernie Evans, Black Creek