Everyday there’s new reports about young radicals destroying properties in the name of saving the planet. It’s imperative to teach global warming activists a lesson. Put wheel blocks on their cars and completely shut off electricity to their homes. If it does nothing else it’ll shut them up.
Enough is enough from these paranoid poorly informed extremists. Our world has been changing for millions of years and not a single American can do anything about it. What you can do is adapt to your environment. If there’s any real science instructors out there maybe we need to open boot camps to re-educate these schizophrenic radicals. Not political scientists but climatologists that rely on logic and common sense studies to reach conclusions.
Way too many scientists are motivated by taxpayers money funding their research so they lean towards dramatic results rather than principled arguments for and/or against.
For the most part science is boring so people tend to rely on others for their information which can be distorted as it is passed through the grapevine of social media platforms.
We no longer can rely on our own government for truthful information of any sort. Government has grown so large its an entity unto itself and like cancer it feeds on its host in this case the private sector taxpayers. If we’re going into the future as a success story then we’ll use all the technology and resources at our disposal. This will include the hated hydrocarbon that actually is a gift from God and Mother Nature. Its very existence is responsible for moving mankind from the past of a brutal lifestyle to the comforts we enjoy and take advantage of every single day.
In the future we could conceivably improve our lives with hydrogen and fusion as energy sources but until then don’t go back to living off the land. And by the way creating more of the very environmental elements that these climate zealots are so adamantly opposed. Fear feeds on the weak and uninformed and treehuggers prove my point.
Ed Edwards, Ellabell