This project called America has been going well for quite some time. Rocky, but we make do.
Tell me who among us is not mostly happy with their American life?
Regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, whether you are gay, trans or straight, prefer church, synagogue, mosque, the gun range, travelling, nightlife, or some combination thereof, like most of us, this nation is about freedom.
We are all afforded respect and space. Mostly.
So, why is it we have among us those who are unhappy and wish to exert control over these individual choices, or identities? Of course, we all know there must be rules and regulations about most everything. That’s not what I’m talking about.
I’m talking about men like Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, and too many like-minded, who are attacking the ruling known as “Obergefell”, the right to same-sex marriage.
Since the Supreme Court was officially highjacked and stolen there has been a new anti-LGBTQ movement afoot. Five far-right “justices” of “conservative” Catholic persuasion, a firm majority, have emboldened the enemies of liberty.
Over 200 new anti- LGBTQ laws have been introduced in various states, some passed and signed into law. We are all seeing the attacks by “white nationalists” on Pride Month events in the news.
I subscribe to IMPRIMUS, a publication of Hillsdale College (leaders in the far right charter school movement). The April/May issue is a wildly homophobic rant from the founder of Battlefront, Christopher F. Rufo.
Mr. Rufo opens with “critical race theory.” He says “school children are being divided according to skin color and deemed oppressed or oppressor.” I can’t find one kid in my life who can attest to such nonsense, but I’m glad he confirms my belief that the struggle for civil rights is the same for all minorities.
Rufo wants us to boycott Disney. He’s mad Disney has made fools of Florida’s “Governor” Ron DeSantis and his “legislature.” Rufo says the “Don’t Say Gay” bill is about “young children” ages kindergarten to third or fourth grade.
It’s not, it’s about one thing: parents being able to challenge how teachers teach; specifically, teachers who dare promote this idea that all students of any age and grade are equal, and being gay is OK.
However, I am happy that Rufo admits his strategy is deceitful, he writes: we can’t do battle against “diversity and inclusion”, we have to make it about “sexualizing children” (at which he excels).
Rufo, in-step with Fox’s Mark Levin, closes referencing 1776, just as the 1/6 insurrectionists did. Me thinks they need to stop, until they come to grips with the fact that it was their “side”, conservative Bible-thumpers, who both times insisted, “The Bible says obey the king.” And lost.
Regardless, we all need to live and let live; we’ve come a long way, let’s not backslide now.
Bernie Evans, Black Creek