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Killed for the truth
pastor corner

When Jesus, who was God in human flesh, came to earth, He spoke about the prophets who came before Him. He revealed that the nation of Israel, particularly their leaders, had persecuted them and killed them. One instance is found in Matthew 23:37 where He stated, “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you...”. It is also true that they would kill Jesus by hanging Him on a cross.

Why did they kill the prophets and Jesus? Why have Christians throughout the centuries been killed or persecuted? There is one key reason; truth is spoken. Why does truth offend people so much it causes them to react so violently? The truth that the prophets, Jesus and the Christian faith speaks about is that every person is born corrupt as a sinner and there is only one remedy for this issue.

The prophets spoke about this remedy when they prophesied about this coming Messiah and Jesus came as that Messiah and the Christian message is all about this Messiah. The sin problem can only be dealt with when a person decides to turn away from the sinful life and accept the forgiveness offered to us by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. The bad news is that there is no hope of a future life in heaven without the sin issue being remedied. The good news is that with this remedy of Jesus hope is available to every person who chooses to accept it.

Hospice Information Night on tap at NBCC

“Have you ever wanted to know more about what hospice and what it can provide?

Richmond Hill New Beginnings Community Church is sponsoring a Hospice Information Night on Monday, April 10 at 6 p.m. This is open to the community.

Refreshments will be served and Bingo will be played with prizes.

For more information contact Lora Minton at 661-3000523.

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