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Growth unfair to current residents
Letter to the editor
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Editor: I am writing this letter to address what I see as an unfair burden on the current residents that reside in South Bryan County as well as ignoring their concerns by the BOE, Bryan County Commissioners and the Richmond Hill City Council.

I read with great interest an article that was in the BC News a week or two ago concerning the anticipated growth of this end of the county, the need for more schools, infrastructure, and controlling that growth in the future but I see nothing being done.

In the article there is mention of four subdivisions that are on the books but not yet built — McAllister Pointe, Wexford Plantation, Watergrass and Magnolia Hill totaling 415 lots which would equate to about another 800-1,000 more vehicles on the road systems than now. I know they are supposed to widen Highway 144 later this year but using Highway 144 and other roads in Richmond Hill during the morning rush hour (school and commuter traffic) is a nightmare.

I realize that the only tax base down here is residential property taxes so I am sure that is why so many subdivisions are allowed to be built but with nothing being done to address all this additional traffic (even widening 144 will not help alleviate the current congestion) I think this is terribly unfair to the current residents. I am 66 years old and have lived here for almost 18 years, have never had any children in schools here and never will, but I have to keep paying school taxes so the BOE can keep building new schools.

How about shifting some of the burden to the developers and builders (impact fees for instance) and maybe an annual per child fee to the families that move here and put there kids in these free schools like they do in New York!

Rick Doyle

Richmond Hill

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