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GOP to rally Saturday
Letter to the editor

Editor: I was raised in a very loving family where family and Christian values were our way of life. We openly respected the American Flag, parents, teachers, elders, and government.  I am proud to be an American and respect the foundation that our fore fathers used as a blueprint to form our government.  They were Americans that established laws to protect the citizens and insure that our country was governed to the highest standards possible.
Today’s government seems to be a far cry from what the existing founding fathers laid out in the Constitution. We were promised “Hope and Change” six years ago and to date it has resulted in no hope and adverse change that we have never experienced in modern times.
We have over-reaching government,  health care reform that was not desired by the masses, illegal immigration, attacks on religious freedom, an IRS that is out of control, gun control, and weak foreign policy.
Our military is still the best in the world and they put their lives on the line to protect this country. We owe the military, currently serving and veterans, a great deal of thanks for keeping America safe but recently they have had to endure a VA scandal, pay cuts, Benghazi, and security leaks that jeopardized the wellbeing of our troops.  
We, as Americans, have experienced enough of these incidents that are not anywhere near the principals that were laid out by our founding fathers.  
We need to get America back on Track and you can make a difference.  
The Bryan County Republican Party is having a “Rally for Change in America” moderated by Bill Edwards on September 20, 7 p.m., at the Richmond Hill City Center.  
A great amount of Fellow Americans with similar values will be there — we can make positive change.

— Sean Register
Richmond Hill

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