How is it that the God of heaven and earth, all mighty would even consider mere man in the scheme of things? The Hebrew writer refers to Job who questioned the fact that God would set His heart upon man (Heb. 2:6; Job 7:17). In the grandeur of God’s creation man seems to be such a small part of the entire picture, but it is to man that God’s love has been given (John 3:16; II Peter 1:3).
These three attributes of God, His infinite power, love and justice have been working for man since the beginning of time and will continue till time is no more.
What a spectacle of God’s power must have been shown during the days of creation, the shifting of the land masses, the forming of the seas and water ways, the great lights set to rule the day and the night to control the seasons and the days and the years as the Great designer made a world that was ready for man to inhabit; the plant and animal life formed and given to man to have dominion over them (Gen. 1:28, 29). Men move mountains and rivers by explosives, heavy equipment and brute force, while God spoke the world into existence (II Peter 3:5 – 7). It was not a hap hazard creation but was a glorious creation. After each day God looked upon it and saw that it was good. God was preparing a place for his crown of creation to be placed.
God planted a garden and here is where He placed His creation man, giving instructions to dress and keep the garden. As God looked upon His creation, He saw that man being alone was not good. God’s love for man was shown in His making a help meet suitable for Adam. In His creative power God caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam and from his side he took one of his ribs and from that rib He formed woman. God brought the Woman to Adam and the first home comes into existence.
In a place where the power of God had been so manifested, where His love for man was expressed in His providing for man, one would think no wickedness would ever enter. But it was into this perfect place of peace the serpent came, to tempt woman. God had given man the power to make decisions, to have choices not to be as a machine unable to reason and think. In giving man this ability God there was the possibility that man would make a wrong choice, which he did (Gen.3:3 – 6). God had told man, “But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” (Gen. 2:17). God’s justice is appeased by the power of God’s love in the promising of sending a Savior for mankind. God would send His Son to take the place of man, to redeem mankind (Gen. 3:15).
The Seed of woman, Christ, defeated Satan, by the power, love and justice of God. By God’s power Christ was sacrificed for the sins of man (Acts 2:22, 23) and God’s justice was served in the redeeming power of the blood of Christ (Eph.1:7) the grave could not hold Christ for He came forth from the grave. (Acts 2:21, 32) He was triumphant over death giving mankind the hope of the resurrection (I Cor. 15:20 – 28).
The power, love and justice are infinite, they keep on keeping on. It is by God’s power the world continues today (II Peter 3:7). The power of God is seen in nature as mankind explores the creation of God. The earth and the heavens serve as a reminder of the creative power of God. God will not force man to believe in Him, but He has shown Himself to man in the power of His creation (Rom. 1:20, 21).
God is infinite in His power, His Love and His Justice.