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God’s great science lab
pastor corner

Rev. Dr. Devin Strong

Spirit of Peace Lutheran Church

Some people say that faith and science are polar opposites. Science, they say, is about evidence and logic while faith is about belief and hope. Lutherans and Episcopalians are among those Christians who believe that faith and science absolutely go hand in hand. That is why St. Elizabeth Episcopal Church and Spirit of Peace Lutheran Church are hosting their fourth annual joint Vacation Bible School this year under the theme, “God’s Great Science Lab.”

Our VBS will happen on the campus of St. Elizabeth’s at 16491 GA Hwy. 144 in Richmond Hill Tuesday-Friday, June 25-28, from 9 AM-12noon for children pre-K–rising fourth graders. The cost is FREE. Each day we will be exploring a different aspect of God’s world, including geology, biology, metamorphosis, and astronomy. Of course, we will also be sure to have plenty of fun with games and music, crafts and snacks. Register your child or grandchild now by calling the church office at Spirit of Peace at 912.727.5608 or St. Elizabeth’s at 912.727.2650.

As a pastor, my training is in theology, but as an observant human being, I can clearly see how carefully our world is put together with just enough sun, rain, land, water, and atmosphere to make it all work.

I can see how our world is balanced in such a way that each part of the world depends on every other part for its own survival.

When there are fires or floods, droughts or storms, we all see evidence of the truth that the Apostle Paul teaches us, “When one part of the body suffers, all suffer together.”

1 Corinthians 12:26.

As a person who lives with a significant physical disability, I have experienced in my own flesh how when one part of the body is not working well, other parts develop and compensate for the broken parts so that the whole body works as well as possible. As a pastor, I have seen families terribly broken by tragedy or dysfunction come together and heal, just as I have watched the younger generations in a family develop new coping skills and behaviors to get healthier than the generations before them, and I have looked up in the sky and stared in awe at the wonder of the universe, including recently when I joined millions of Americans who watched the last total solar eclipse that will occur in the United States in my lifetime.

Compared to many, my knowledge of the sciences is limited, but the more that I learn about how our bodies and minds, our Earth and our universe work, the more grateful I am to our God. Science explains “the how” of our construction. Faith and theology explain “the why.” You and I are fortunate to understand so many more of the intricacies of the universe than our ancient biblical friends, so our scientific knowledge should lead us to an even deeper appreciation of all that the Almighty has made. We are also smart enough to know how much we don’t understand yet, which, in turn, ought to drive you and me to faith in our wonderous Creator.

I hope that the children of Richmond Hill will join St. Elizabeth’s and Spirit of Peace this summer as we grow in God by entering into God’s Great Science Lab!

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